17. Agreement

Today is Binar's graduation day, and she got the highest score among her friends. After graduation, Binar had to prepare for her wedding with Adnan.

"Honey, Adnan is waiting for you. He wants to take you somewhere," Mother said to Binar, sitting on the sofa in the room.

"Mom—I don't want to go!" answered Binar languidly.

Mother smiled and said that Binar had to get used to Adnan. Because soon Adnan will be her husband. Binar knew all that, but she still couldn't accept it.

Maybe she needs time to come to terms with all of this. After doing everything, Adnan asked Binar to go with him and asked her mother for permission to take Binar away.

Mother, with a gentle smile, allowed Adnan to take Binar away. Binar went with Adnan, although it was clear that she didn't like it.

Adnan opened the car door. He is not using a driver because he wants to be alone with Binar while talking about important things.

"What do you want to talk about?!" Binar asked Adnan, who was focused on driving.

Adnan glanced at Binar. Briefly, he saw a woman who had attracted him and would not let him go. He also told Binar he would discuss everything after arriving at his destination.

They arrived at their destination. The destination was Adnan's house. Binar did not know what Adnan would say. She would look and make sure of everything.

"Let's go in!" Adnan Binar's orders.

Binar followed Adnan from behind, and she didn't know if he would live with her. There is still something that Binar wants to make happen, and whether marrying Adnan will stop his desire.

'No—I don't want all my dreams to go away!' She thought.

Adnan brought Binar to his office and asked Binar to sit on the sofa.

"Why do you keep forcing your will to marry me?!" Binar asked coldly.

"Since you are already mine, you will forever be mine!" Adnan answered with confidence.

Binar says she doesn't want to marry her because she wants to accomplish something first. If she gets married, there is a fear that she will be bound, so her dreams will not come true.

"Well—how about we make a pact! So that no one gets hurt!" said Adnan.

He also asked Candra to write down some points of the agreement, which must include all the wishes of Binar and himself. Candra also began to record points from the agreement letter.

After finishing writing what Binar wanted, Candra said goodbye to preparing the documents that needed to be signed.

"Are you going to fulfil your promise according to the points we have agreed on!" Binar asked Adnan.

Adnan smiled, and then he said he would do all the deals that been had agreed upon. He also asked Binar to fulfil his obligations as a wife after everything was fulfilled.

Binar nodded. If she achieved all the ideals she wanted, she would carry out her duties as the wife of Adnan Raymond.

Hearing Binar's words, Adnan smiled. He would make sure that the woman in front of him would fall in love with him. And he will not let go of the woman who has made his heart tremble.

Candra entered Adnan's reading room and brought the agreement document they had to sign. They also signed the document, after which Binar asked Adnan to take her home.

Before that, Adnan asked Binar to have dinner at his house first. Because it's almost time for dinner, Binar agreed. Adnan ordered a servant to accompany her around the house.

As Binar was around, Adnan decided to finish the unfinished work. Candra said that companies in Japan were in trouble. And must resolve soon.

Adnan read the report from the branch company in Japan, and it was clear that there was annoyance on his face. He said to Candra all this is the work of people who want to destroy his business.

"That's right, Sir, this is what he did, and you must immediately go to Japan to solve all these problems. Otherwise, it will be bad for all branches of the company." Chandra replied.

"All right—we're leaving after my wedding!" Adnan said to Candra.

Candra asked whether to invite Binar to come to Japan after the wedding. Adnan can't decide yet because Binar already has other plans. Maybe he'll let Binar do what she wants.

However, he tells Candra to prepare some guards to protect Binar because he doesn't want anything to happen to Binar. His business enemies may do things that can hurt Binar.

On the other hand, Binar was walking in a garden behind the house. Feel very calm because what she wants will be fulfilled.

She did not think that Adnan would agree to what she wanted. "I thought he would act arrogant and wouldn't accept my wishes," She muttered.

Binar sat in a gazebo, and she enjoyed the sunset view in this beautiful garden. She didn't expect someone like Adnan to order his servants to make a garden as beautiful as this.

She looked at this beautiful garden and remembered someone still filling her heart. She threw away everything about her past.

Now it's time for her to face the future, and she doesn't know whether it will make her happy or sad. However, what is certain is that she will always live her life with her smile and strength.

Adnan, who saw Binar sitting pensively in the pavilion, approached him. He told the servant who was always by Binar's side to leave. His eyes were fixed on Binar, and he wanted to know what was on his mind.

"What are you thinking about?" Adnan asked.

Binar was surprised because Adnan's face was right in front of her. She reflexively moved her face away so it wasn't too close to Adnan's.

"Nothing!" the answer is short.

Adnan smiled, then stretched out his hand while telling Binar to accept his helping hand. Binar got her outstretched hand, and Adnan invited Binar to have dinner.

After dinner was over, Adnan ordered the driver to take Binar. He couldn't take her because there was still a lot of work.

Before leaving, Binar said, "You must fulfil our agreed-on agreement! And I don't want you to break it!"

Adnan smiled back, then said not to worry because he's not the kind of guy who breaks his promise to his future wife.