18. The Marriage

Binar can't believe that her wedding day with Adnan will occur tomorrow. All preparations have been made, and there is no single flaw in the wedding ceremony for tomorrow.

"Bi, this what you want?" Arganta asked Binar, who was sitting on the sofa reading a novel.

Binar closed her novel, and then she asked if all this should have happened. And she's got it all.

"You don't have to worry—I can take care of myself now. All I want is to take care of my mom and dad!" Binar said to Arganta.

Arganta felt that what Binar said was odd. He thought that Binar would leave himself to a faraway place. However, he threw all those thoughts aside.

There was a knock on the bedroom door. Arganta opened the door to Binar's room. A servant asked if Adnan had sent several people to do the treatment before the wedding.

Arganta also told him to come in then he said goodbye to Binar. To make room for her to do the treatment for her big day tomorrow morning.

In Arganta's mind, as soon as Binar gets married, maybe he will soon come with Adnan. And she wouldn't quickly meet him. Is that why Binar told him to always care for mom and dad.

Several people who Adnan sent also started doing a series of body treatments on Binar. Adnan intended to make Binar's heart feel calm and relaxed.

Everything finished smoothly, and the people who Adnan sent said goodbye. Binar thought back to whether everything would be as she hoped. Will Adnan keep her promise?

"Honey, can Mom come in?" Mother asked, comparable to knocking on the door of Binar's room.

"Come in, Mom," She answered.

Mother entered the room and saw her favourite daughter, who was about to get married. It doesn't feel like time has passed so fast. She still clearly remembers when the new Binar was born, every growth and development until now.

Binar, who saw Mother showing a sad face, immediately hugged her tightly. She knows that at this time, her mother is sorrowful because of her marriage.

"Did you make the right decision, honey?" Mother asked Binar again.

Binar nodded. She knew her mother would feel sad because, after marriage, she would go to Korea to achieve her wish.

She began to give answers that could make the mother's heart feel at ease. All of this was supposed to happen. Indeed Binar had been planning to go to Korea for a long time after graduation.

"Did Adnan agree to your wish?" Mother asked again to convince her heart.

"Yes, Mom, Adnan has agreed to everything. So you don't need to worry," said Binar, holding her mother's palm.

The mother tried to smile and didn't want to make Binar sadder. However, even though there's still something bothering her, she reminded her mind of her father's words that all of this was for Binar's safety.

After talking with Binar, the mother came out of her room because there was still something to do. After all, tomorrow is her daughter's wedding day, and tomorrow is Binar's last day in this house.

The room's atmosphere became quiet. Binar did not expect that he would marry a man who was much older than her. Will their relationship go smoothly, or will it result in a dispute?

Is she able to adapt to every weakness and strength that Adnan has? She also doesn't know anything about Adnan. She knows that Adnan is a successful businessman and only has one child.

In her heart, she kept wondering whether Adnan's son would be able to accept her as her father's wife as well as her mother's.

Binar threw her body on the bed, and she was tired. She had to think about all this. She didn't know what would happen in the future. However, what is certain is that he will do things that have been planned from the start.

The next day.

Everything is ready. Binar is prepared with the dress used for her wedding with Adnan. The wedding ceremony went smoothly. There are no obstacles that make the marriage stall.

After the wedding, Adnan asked Binar's parents for permission to take her directly to her house. They also allow, Binar with Andan back home.

"Sir—it's time for us to go," said Candra to Adnan, who had just sat on the sofa.

Adnan sighed, and then he walked towards the room where Binar was. He wanted to say if he could not accompany him in the next few months.

He opened the room. Adnan saw Binar, who was trying to open the dress attached to her body. However, it looks tough to open the zipper whose position is on her back.

"Do you need my help, honey?" Adnan whispered as his hand lowered the zipper.

Binar, surprised, stepped forward to avoid Adnan. She knew she was her wife by now, but Binar wasn't used to this.

Adnan just smiled. He saw his wife was so shy. If you think about it, when you first met Binar, she looked like a naughty girl who would do anything to prank anyone who irritated her.

"Learn to get used to me!" Adnan said to Binar.

He also asked if tonight could not accompany him because of other people.

"Maybe we won't see each other for a few months, and I hope you can be my good wife, and I won't restrain you. Do what you have planned!"

Adnan's words made Binar's heart relieved. At least she wouldn't be doing her role as a wife during his absence. In his mind began to appear several ideas to achieve all his wishes.

After saying that, Adnan left on his wedding night. He did not want to leave the wife he had just married. However, it is okay to make it to other people.

"Tonight, I can sleep well. No need to worry about Adnan's attack!" She muttered as she walked to the bathroom to clean herself up.

After cleaning herself, she walked over to the bed and threw herself on the bed. She tried to close her eyes, but she thought about what would her mother say if she knew Adnan went abroad on her wedding night.

Meanwhile, at the airport, Adnan told Candra to choose some bodyguards to protect Binar. He also said to make things easier for his wife.

He knew that Binar would not stay in Jakarta for long because Binar would go to Korea to start his business.