20. Surprise

Binar sighed, leaning her body back in her work chair. Today was so tiring, and there were many things to be done by her. Time is running fast, now the cafe she runs is visited by many people.

Binar heart was happy with this situation even though she looked tired from having to help in front of the screen. A message came in, and she took out her cell phone. Arganta sends her a message.

Arganta said that he still couldn't visit her. Since there was still much work to be done, he had become more busy helping his father's company since Binar's departure to Korea.

Binar looked ahead, and she saw one by one the visitors who were enjoying the menu at the cafe. She was happy with this atmosphere. She was visiting the comfort and happiness that radiated from visitors' faces.

Her eyes fell on a woman who entered the cafe. She arrived with a man, is that man her lover? The question popped up in her mind.

"Bianca—you're in Korea," She muttered.

Finally, she could see the person she had always been looking for, even though she had no intention of showing herself. Bianca hasn't changed, and she's still the same as ever. Looks cheerful even though her heart is suffering. That's what Binar knows.

Day after day, Binar always saw Bianca, who visited her cafe. However, she wonders why she hangs out with a different guy daily. Precisely what is going on with her?

There was the sound of broken objects falling. Binar looked for the origin of the commotion. She saw a woman who was venting her emotions. She looked carefully. The woman was arguing with her lover.

How shocked was Binar when she saw Bianca already soaking wet? In Binar's mind, she wondered if Bianca was the destroyer of people's relationships? All questions arise.

"You cheap woman—you already knew this man had a fiancé! Why did you go out with him, huh?!" screamed the emotional woman.

Bianca smiled faintly, then said, "You should be able to keep your cheap fiancé! Because he's the one who's been chasing me. Try asking him, am I the only one being chased by him."

After saying all that, Bianca left the cafe. She no longer cared about the commotion between the engaged couple. All she wanted right now was to go back to her apartment and clean up.

"What happened to you?!" Binar asked Bianca.

Bianca was surprised when she heard that, she knew that voice very well. She looked up, her eyes almost bursting with tears. However, she tried to stop it all.

She saw Binar right behind her, and she thought that her friend had not changed at all. Guilt began to cling to her, and she didn't want to meet the friend she had hurt at all.

"None of your business!" Bianca answered and then left the cafe.

Bianca was so sad and didn't want to go near Binar anymore because she thought she was dirty. And doesn't deserve to be her friend or companion anymore. That's why she hid her whereabouts.

She walked, stopped a taxi, and could no longer hold back her tears. She really misses Binar, only she can comfort her, but all that will not happen again.

When Bianca arrived at her apartment, she walked into the apartment she had occupied since arriving in Korea. She immediately walked to the bathroom to clean her sticky body due to being watered by a woman who was blind and jealous.

The doorbell rang, indicating that someone was behind the apartment door. Bianca, who had just finished her cleaning routine, rushed to the door. She wanted to see who had been to her apartment.

She saw on the screen a familiar man. The man looks very upset. Maybe he is having a problem or has just fought with his girlfriend.

Bianca opened the door to her apartment, and without saying a word, the man entered. She sat on the sofa, leaning her body against the couch as she sighed.

"What is wrong?!" Bianca asked softly, sitting down beside her.

"I'm tired—she doesn't understand me at all! She only cares about herself," He replied.

Bianca got up from her seat, walked to the pantry, and took a water bottle and two empty glasses. She sat back next to the man, pouring the drink into the empty glass she had brought earlier.

She handed the drink to the man who is often called dear. She didn't care about the name of the man around her. Because for her, all the men who approach her only want pleasure from her and her body.

The man drank all that was in the glass and kept the glass on the table. He kissed Bianca's lips without warning, which still had the drink in her mouth that she hadn't gulped down.

"Sweet—I'd rather enjoy this drink from your mouth," The man said after releasing the kiss.

Bianca attacked him again with a soft kiss. She wanted more than just a kiss. Because of the anger at the cafe, she needed an outlet, and this one could calm her down.

"I want more, honey," Bianca whispered, then kissed the man's earlobe in front of her.

The man also gave what Bianca wanted and liked the woman in front of him. Because he thought Bianca was an understanding woman and knew what to do.

The warm kiss turned hot. The man's hand didn't want to stay still. His hands opened the bathrobe worn by Bianca. After that, she plays with every curve of her body. He was playing with Bianca's chest, making her body squirm while enjoying the game of the man's lips.

He gently pushed Bianca's body into her back on the sofa. He looked at the face of a woman who always made him feel satisfied. His hand gently touched Bianca's chest. He kissed her lips and walked down the crook of her neck.

He stopped at his chest and kissed him, playing for a while there. Made Bianca squirm even more, amused but pleasurable.

The man's left and right hands walked towards Bianca's sensitive area below. Then he played there, his mouth still playing on his chest with his right hand.

Bianca felt pleasure until a soft voice came out of her mouth, which provoked the man even more. She stopped playing and took off her clothes one by one.

They start to play games that can make them reach a climax. Beads of sweat dripped from their skin.

Afterwards, the man returned to his clothes and left Bianca's apartment. He says he has to go as he still has work to do.

"Thank you—I like you!" He said as he kissed Bianca's forehead and left, leaving Bianca still exhausted on the sofa.