21. Fighting

Since Bianca found out that the cafe owner was Binar, she had never visited the cafe. Avoiding her was the only way for Bianca not to run into Binar. Because guilt still haunts her to this day. Although in her heart, she wanted to hug her friend.

While Binar still hopes to meet Bianca, she feels that her best friend has greatly changed. She wants her to hug and joke like she used to. However, all of that is unlikely to be repeated.

"Miss, someone is looking for you." Ga Eun said, who had just entered her room.

"Who?" Binar asked her.

Ga Eun shook her head and said that the man only asked to meet with Binar and didn't want to say who he was. Binar got up and walked toward the person who wanted to meet her.

Binar's eyes widened when she saw who the man who wanted to meet her was, and she didn't expect to meet that man again. The man who had occupied her heart for a long time until now. However, she realized again that she was not alone anymore.

"Bi, how are you?" asked the man with such a gentle smile.

"I'm fine," She answered.

Binar still remembers well every treatment the man had on her, her kindness and attention that made her unable to forget. However, she was reminded of an incident that made her hate him.

"How did you know I was here?!" Binar asked the man who always looked at him gently.

"It's been a month, Bi, and I just dared to meet you," He replied gently.

The man continued to stare at Binar, and he missed the woman in front of him so much. He regretted what he had done to lose the woman he loved so much.

"C—can we go back to how we used to be?" The man asked in a hopeful tone.

"It's too late, Cello," Binar answered flatly. Although she wanted to hug her simultaneously in her heart, she was disappointed.

The man's name was Marcello, and he looked very disappointed with Binar's answer. He knew he had made an unforgivable mistake. However, he wanted to correct the error, but Binar still couldn't forgive Marcello.

"You'd better go if you want to say all this! I'm busy," said Binar as she got up and walked away from Marcello.

Marcello was still watching Binar leave, and he wanted to fix things. Because he still can't forget Binar and still loves him very much.

Binar disappeared from Marcello's sight. She got up from her seat and walked out of the cafe. Meanwhile, Binar only saw the departure of the man who had made her heart feel happy and suffering.

"The wound you gave me is still felt by me, even though you are still in my heart Marcello!" mumbled Binar as she sat back in her chair.

A lot of work has taken up his time, and the day has turned into night. It's time for Binar to return to her apartment. The cafe will be closed by her employees. She saw the motorbike parked in front of the restaurant, stretched the already stiff muscles, and then got ready to ride the motorbike.

Yes, she has always used a motorbike from the apartment to the cafe because she feels free to use her favourite motorbike, which is sent directly from Jakarta.

The engine started, and she pulled the gas motor slowly out of the parking area. After exiting, she increased her speed to speed out of the cafe. Enjoying the air that hit her while riding a motorcycle made her feel free.

Binar stopped her motorbike, and she saw a group of people attacking two men. If you see that the two men are essential people in suits, she doesn't think they are cheap.

She only noticed from a distance. No time for her to intervene in their problems. Her eyes were fixed on a man whose face was similar to Candra, Adnan's assistant. However, she did not see Adnan with him. In her mind, she said maybe the man with Candra was the wrong client.

Candra threw blow after blow to defeat his enemies. However, their number was not small, so it made him exhausted. He thought why the reinforcements took so long to arrive. Candra glanced at the man beside him, who looked exhausted.

"How sir, are you still up to it?!" He asked breathlessly.

"You underestimate me, Candra!" He replied with a grin, then threw his punch again and ended with a deadly kick.

It's not that the enemies they face are decreasing, but their numbers are increasing because their help has arrived. Meanwhile, the support that Candra called for did not come.

"Damn—their numbers are growing! What about the reinforcements you called, Candra?!" said the man in an annoyed tone.

"I don't know, Sir. Let me punish them when all this is over!" Chandra replied.

The man fell. He didn't notice that behind him was an enemy who had grabbed a baseball bat and hit him in the back. Candra looked worried. He knew that the man beside him was tired.

The enemy who hit the man fell.

"No, I thought you guys were so weak, already ganging up now attack from behind!" said Binar in a condescending tone to Candra's enemies.

An enemy was annoyed with what Binar said, and she attacked her with a barrage of blows. However, Binar was not easy to deal with, and she managed to dodge every one of the man's attacks.

Binar smiled. The enemy that attacked her could not win over her. This time she would strike back after giving her enemy a chance to shoot her first.

Binar counterattacked with a barrage of punches and ended with a kick. Surprised by Binar's attack, the enemy could not fight back, and finally, she fell on the paved road.

Chandra does not know that the woman who helped him is Binar because currently, Binar is wearing a mask. So that his face was not visible, her voice didn't sound as clear as the Binar he knew.

"Sir, she seems like a tough woman," said Candra to Andan. Yes, the man beside him all this time was Adnan, whom Binar did not recognize.

"Are you going just to shut up? Hurry up and get rid of these thugs!" Adnan replied in an annoyed tone.

Candra interprets the nod he understood and returned to attack the enemy. Likewise, with Adnan, he did not realize that the woman who helped him was his wife. Their fight is still going on, and help has not yet arrived. However, both Binar, Adnan, and Candra could still face them.

Candra again contacted his guards with an annoyed tone. The guards he got said they were also attacked and are still facing enemies. They tried as fast as possible to incapacitate him and headed to where Candra was.

"Shit!" Candra cursed, very annoyed.

"What is wrong?!" asked Adnan.

Candra said the enemy also attacked the guards, and now they are trying to knock out the enemies. Candra thinks about who dared to attack him, and if he had known, he would not have let him go.