22. Does Not Recognize

The fight was still going on, Binar looked tired, but she kept trying to knock out every enemy that attacked her. There was the sound of an enemy annoyed with Binar, who had made her fall.

As Binar fought an annoyed male foe, he pulled something covering her face. As a result, the mask covering Binar's face was exposed, and her hair fell.

Adnan, who realized that the woman was his wife, was speechless. He did not expect that his wife could fight. Likewise, Candra was equally surprised to see her lady helping deal with the enemies.

"Stop that stare! The enemy is still standing tall!" shouted Binar at the two people who were still glued to her.

Adnan smiled. He was excited to continue his fight. The fight is fiercer, and the enemies can still survive against Binar, Adnan, and Candra. They don't give up easily.

A few moments later, two black cars arrived, and some people dressed in plain clothes came out. They are enemies. Adnan saw that he knew that the enemy was increasing at this time.

"Damn them more and more!" muttered Binar as she continued her fight.

The barrage of attacks from the enemy made Binar cornered, and the three of them gathered at one point. Out of breath, she told Candra to contact the authorities. He didn't want to spend the night just fighting. Besides, at this point, his strength was running out.

"Candra, quickly call the police!" Binar commanded breathlessly.

"Okay, Miss!" He answered briefly while looking at Adnan.

Adnan nodded, which means he agreed to what was ordered by Binar. And he was also very curious about why his wife didn't recognize him well and whether there was a problem with his memory. However, the wife did not forget Candra. It made Adnan a little annoyed.

"Why didn't you greet me?!" Adnan asked Binar.

"Why should I greet you? You're not my brother, sister, friend or husband!" replied Binar, who was annoyed to hear a man's voice that was so annoying.

Candra, who had just finished contacting the police through his earphones, chuckled when he heard the debate between the Master and the lady. And that made Andan even more annoyed, and he immediately attacked the enemies who had approached him.

"Who is that person, Candra?!" asked Binar, who was still confused.

"Miss, see you later!" Candra replied, which made her even more curious.

Adnan's heart was still distraught because his wife didn't recognize his face. Beat the enemy blindly. One by one, the enemy fell on the paved road.

Not long after that, the police arrived and arrested the helpless enemies and were still able to stand tall. Adnan told Candra to tell Binar to go back home first. Candra nodded then he approached Binar, who was about to return to her apartment.

"Miss, you'd better go back home because Master will be back soon," Chandra said.

Binar was confused by what Candra said, then he repeated that he would return to his apartment, and Binar did not know which house Candra meant. Candra smiled, then said Adnan had prepared a place since Binar lived in Korea.

"I'm going back to the apartment. Tell your Master to pick him up himself if he still considers me his wife!" Binar said as she left Candra.

Candra just smiled at her Master's wife's attitude, and he thought Adnan's life would be more interesting. He was tired of seeing Adnan's monotonous life. Only work and work were on his mind.

"Sir, hear yourself, right?" Candra said to Adnan, who was nearby.

Adnan just smiled at Binar's words. A policeman approached them and said that Adnan and Candra had to come to the police station to be questioned about attacking him. The policeman also ordered his men to ask Binar to go to the police station. However, Candra said to let him go because Binar was Adnan's wife.

The policeman also let Binar go while Adnan and Candra went to the police station. Adnan felt different seeing Binar's appearance like this, which made him even more attracted to his stray cat.

Binar, exhausted from the fight, immediately left the location and returned to her apartment. Binar had a strange feeling about the man she had been arguing with on her way home. However, she threw that thought away.

Arriving at the apartment, she immediately prepared water for bathing, undressing one by one. There were bruises on her body, and maybe they resulted from the fight earlier. It didn't hurt at first, but now she's starting to feel pain.

Warm water for bathing is ready. Binar put her feet and sat in the bathtub while listening to the music that was so soothing.

On the other hand, Adnan, who was at the police station, had finished all his words. They were both allowed to leave. Adnan asked Candra how the bodyguards who had been attacked were doing. Candra says the injured are treated at the hospital if everything is resolved.

"We're back in the apartment!" Adnan ordered Candra while walking toward the car.

They went to the apartment. Adnan felt he had to punish his wife on the way because Binar didn't recognize him. Candra, who knew what was in her Master's mind, said, "Miss, I didn't recognize you maybe because all the beards on your face were gone.

Adnan was silent, and he thought what Candra said might be true. That's why Binar doesn't recognize her husband, and since they married, they haven't seen each other again.

Adnan arrived at the apartment. He went straight into the apartment. He entered quickly because he already knew the password to Binar's apartment. Candra asked if anyone still needed his help.

"Get some rest!" Adnan orders Candra.

Candra bowed, and then he went next to Binar's apartment because he had prepared an apartment right next to Binar's. It was all to make his job more accessible if the lady didn't want to go back to the house that Adnan had prepared.

Adnan does not find Binar in his room, and he hears music from the bathroom. In his mind, maybe his wife was cleaning herself. He also waited until Binar finished with his cleaning routine.

Adnan had been waiting thirty minutes, and Binar had not come out. He was starting to worry whether something had happened to his wife. Adnan walked towards the bathroom and slowly opened the unlocked bathroom door. He saw Binar, who was still soaking in the bathtub. He was asleep when Adnan checked her.

Adnan smiled, seeing Binar like this, "You are my stray cat. Earlier, you looked fierce, but now you don't have high vigilance." He muttered as he brushed a few strands of hair covering Binar's face.

He took a towel and lifted Binar gently towards the bed. It's a fragile level of alertness, just lifting it up and not waking up is what Adnan has in his heart with his gentle smile.