23. Suprised

Binar fell from her bed, and she was shocked because she was already in bed and the arms of an unknown man. She looked carefully at the man in her bed, in her mind she said that the man was the man who was with Candra last night.

However, why did this man get into her apartment, and how did she get in so quickly. She took the bat beside her bed, and she intended to beat up the man who had dared to enter the apartment and sleep on her bed.

"Hey... Wake up!" Binar said by shaking Adnan's body with a bat.

Adnan woke up, and he saw Binar, who was already standing holding a bat and ready to hit him. He stayed with his eyes still feeling heavy, sleepiness still hanging over him, and was about to go back to sleep.

"You insolent man! Get up quickly! Tell me who are you? How many people you came into my room huh!" asked Binar in an angry tone.

She kept saying for the man to wake you up, no, she would hit him with a stick in her hand. Binar counted down from three. If that person didn't wake up, then she would beat him savagely.

Binar was annoyed, and she raised the stick, intending to hit the man who was already clueless. In her mind, there was no mercy for the man who had entered her room without permission.

"Are you going to kill your husband?!" Adnan asked as he opened his eyes, seeing that Binar was ready to hit him with a bat.

Binar's eyes widened. She was surprised by the words of the man who was still lying on her bed. She stared intently at the man's face, her face still filled with disbelief.

"My husband has a bushy beard and you?!" asked Binar in a probing tone.

Adnan got up from his sleeping position, he approached Binar and whispered a word, and only he and Adnan knew. "Have you forgotten me, my stray cat!"

Binar was silent, and she was still staring at Adnan while imagining Adnan's face with a beard and what if removed it. She sighed, which meant she already recognized Adnan apart from hearing the word stray cat because only Adnan said that to her.

"I'm not a stray cat you know!" said Binar while keeping the bat in its place.

"Have you had enough fun?!" asked Adnan as he approached her again and grabbed Binar's waist from behind.

Binar understood the meaning of the question, which meant that now was the time to play Adnan Raymond's wife. She just kept quiet and didn't say anything. She thinks ready or not, and if Adnan has returned to her, she must have become a full wife.

However, she thought of Marcello, who was back in her life. Binar did not expect that her past would come along with Adnan's return to her side.

"Why are you silent?" Adnan asked again by whispering in Binar's ear. After that, he kissed her ear gently. Binar was surprised by what Adnan did, and she pushed her body out of Adnan's arms.

"I'm not satisfied with having fun," said Binar as she walked towards the bathroom to relieve Adnan's embarrassment.

Adnan smiled. He pulled Binar's hand so that the woman who was about to leave him stopped in his tracks. Adnan pulled her hand, and then Binar fell into a hug. In his mind, he was not going to let go of his stray cat this time.

He stared intently at the woman who had captivated his heart from the first time he met her. Binar was silent. She glanced at Adnan and then lowered her face. For some reason, she felt embarrassed to face each other and get this close.

Adnan's hand held Binar's chin. He lifted it slowly to take a closer look at the face of the woman he had missed. He couldn't hold back the urge to devour his tempting lips, and slowly his lips began to approach Binar's lips.

Binar was surprised by what Adnan had just done, and she wanted to let go of the kiss. However, Adnan quickly touched the nape of Binar's neck, so he couldn't just break away.

Adnan's warm kiss with such a soft game made Binar enjoy everything and follow every match. Adnan let go of the kiss. Binar was seen gasping for breath because he was almost out of breath.

"Do you want to knock me unconscious?!" asked Binar with breath that had not returned to normal.

Adnan smiled at the question, then he whispered, "I will teach you not to run out of breath."

Binar turned around, and she felt that it was time for her to move away from Adnan a little. Otherwise, this man in front of her would not just let her go.

"Where are you going?!" Adnan asked while holding Binar's wrist.

"I want to get ready, it's time to go to the cafe!" he answered.

He heard what Binar said made Adnan a little annoyed because he still wanted to be with Binar. He didn't want to let go of the woman he wanted, but Adnan couldn't be selfish because he knows for sure that his wife has not entirely accepted him as her husband.

Adnan also released Binar to get ready while he walked to the pantry to prepare drinks and breakfast for him and Binar. He wanted something that would make his wife start to love him.

Binar, who had finished preparing, smelled the aroma that made her stomach crave it. She walked towards the smell coming from, and her feet stopped in front of the pantry. Seeing a man who was preparing something, in her mind, Adnan looked so different when he was in the pantry.

"Eat, after that you can go to the cafe!" Adnan ordered with a warm smile.

"You prepared all this?" Binar asked Adnan.

Adnan's head nodded. He smiled then invited Binar to sit down. After Binar sat down, he sat beside him to work on everything prepared by him.

While eating the food that has been prepared, Adnan tells Binar that starting tonight, and he will begin to occupy the house that has been designed.

"Can't we just stay here?" Binar asked while looking at Adnan, who was drinking orange juice.

"This time you must obey my orders because I have done what you want in the agreement before we got married!" Adnan answered casually.

Binar was silent, and she recalled all the agreements she had signed before they got married. Now she could no longer take action according to her will because it was time for her to become a wife of Adnan Raymond.