24. Lunch

Ga Eun, who saw Binar being escorted by a metallic black luxury car, wondered who was driving her. Because what she knows is that her boss's husband is currently on a business trip.

Binar that saw the look in Ga Eun's eyes, knew very well what was in her brain. She intended before Ga Eun asked to answer. First, the problem was the question was already visible in her eyes.

"He's my husband," said Binar as she walked past Ga Eun.

Ga Eun is getting more and more, and she is getting more curious about what happened after Binar met with her husband because she knew little if the boss and her husband had not met since the beginning of their marriage.

"You better do your job and don't ask too many questions ok!" said Binar to Ga Eun, who followed her from behind.

Ga Eun was a little annoyed that she couldn't get something out of Binar, so she walked away from her and did what she didn't finish. Even so, she wasn't angry with her because she thought Binar was a very good person to her.

Cafe guests began to arrive, Binar always supervised every cafe development properly. She didn't feel tired from all the hustle and bustle in the cafe because it was a business she loved.

"Boss Bi, it's time for lunch!" said Ga Eun, who appeared from behind the door of the Binar room.

Binar chuckled at the call of boss Bi, and she felt strange with Ga Eun's call. "Stop calling me boss Bi!" She said.

"I don't want to," She answered.

Binar's cell phone rang. It was Candra who called her who said that she was currently on her way to the cafe. She asked if Adnan wanted to have lunch together.

"Who?" Ga Eun asked Binar after seeing her hang up her phone.

"Prepare lunch for two!" Binar said, Ga Eun.

Binar also said that her husband would have lunch at the cafe with her. And also an assistant who will have lunch too, so Ga Eun has to prepare three lunch servings.

"What menu do you want to prepare?" Ga Eun asked Binar again.

Now she's confused by Ga Eun's question because she doesn't know what food Adnan likes. She doesn't know her husband at all. Ga Eun snaps her fingers to wake Binar from her daydream.

"What?!" Ga Eun asked again.

"Just make it the same as me," said Binar, thinking that hopefully, Adnan will like it.

Ga Eun went to prepare everything that Binar had ordered, and now it was her turn to be confused because she forgot to ask what her husband's assistant Binar would eat.

"Ahhh... Think about it later! I hope the assistant isn't picky!" Ga Eun muttered as she walked towards the pantry.

Not so long ago, Ga Eun went to the pantry. Adnan arrived at the cafe in a suit that made her look very cool. Many women glanced at her and said they wanted to be her lover. The female visitors began to whisper, and they were very captivated by the aura emanating from Adnan Raymond.

Binar, who saw Adnan's arrival, could only smile at the behavior of the female visitors who were fascinated by her husband. She looked at Adnan closely, and it did look different from their meeting before marriage.

However, for some reason, Binar prefers if Adnan's face has a little beard that adorns it. It would look more extraordinary, and she also imagined how Adnan's face had a thin beard.

Binar smacked her cheeks to wake her from her daydream. Her face was slightly red from imagining it, and she didn't expect to be able to imagine like that.

"Do you have a fever?!" asked Adnan, who was already in front of Binar.

Binar's eyes widened when she saw the man she had imagined was right in front of her. She reflexively backed away, and her feet stumbled. Adnan's hands quickly caught Binar's body which was about to fall. If you're not quick, Binar's head may have hit the corner of the table.

"What are you thinking? You reckless!" Adnan said as he looked into Binar's brown eyes.

Binar was silent, her face getting redder with embarrassment. As a result of her carelessness, something like this happened. In her mind, he said why, just like a story in a Korean drama.

"Do you have a fever? Why is your face getting redder?!" Adnan again asked Binar, who was embarrassed.

Binar quickly released herself from Adnan's arms and turned her face to calm herself. So that her face does not turn red because of her own doing.

Adnan asked again, and he was a little worried about the current state of Binar. While Candra just smiled at her lady's behavior, he realized that soon the lady would fall in love with him master.

"I'm fine," said Binar briefly as he calmed herself down.

The atmosphere became awkward while waiting for the lunch menu to be finished by Ga Eun. Binar felt the time seemed long because Adnan was always watching what she was doing.

"Boss Bi, lunch is ready." Ga Eun said in a cheerful tone, and she didn't realize that Adnan and Candra were already in the room.

"Oops... sorry I thought there were no guests." Ga Eun said while bowing her body.

"Are you Ga Eun?" Adnan asked in a flat tone.

"Yes sir." She answered briefly. For some reason, she felt a little goosebumps hearing Adnan's voice that looked a little annoyed.

Binar chuckled when she saw Ga Eun's slightly frightened attitude at Adnan's voice. The awkward atmosphere faded with Binar's laughter. She got up and walked closer to Ga Eun.

"There's no need to be afraid—I'm here," said Binar intending to tease her assistant.

However, the joke made Adnan want to tease the stray cat. In his mind, he said he couldn't say anything. Now he dares to tease Ga Eun in front of him.

"I'm hungry, bring the food here!" said Binar to Ga Eun.

Candra, who did not want to disturb Adnan and Binar's lunch, asked permission to wait outside. Adnan allowed it, and he requested Candra to have lunch too.

After getting Candra's permission, he walked out he looked for a seat that was not too conspicuous. For some reason, he didn't like it when the women's eyes looking at him saw him.

"Sir, what would you like to order?" Ga Eun asked Candra who was sitting while playing on her cellphone.

Candra looked at the woman who spoke to her, "Call me Candra, right?"

"Yes," Ga Eun answered briefly, and then she asked again what she wanted to order for lunch this time.

He showed the menu list at the cafe, indeed there was no heavy food, but it could fill the stomach of the visitors. Candra read the menu list, and then she chose the menu which she thought was enough for tonight. Ga Eun left after receiving an order from Candra.

Candra's attention was distracted when she saw Ga Eun walking away from her. He recalled the incident earlier and smiled. In his mind, he said maybe the girl was a little scared when she heard Adnan's voice.