25. Injured

Binar thought after lunch Adnan would return to her company but didn't. She was still sitting on the sofa with some documents that Candra had just brought. Adnan casually does all her work in Binar's office.

"Why don't you just do everything in your office anyway?!" Binar said.

"Up to me!" Adnan answered briefly.

"Y-," Binar said, but before she could continue her words, Adnan had already told her, "just continue your work!"

Binar sighed as she continued her work, even though she was not used to having someone always watching over her. However, she also could not do anything because it was tough to get Adnan to leave.

There was the sound of broken Bengawan hitting the floor, and it made Binar startled. Then she saw what had happened through the glass in her office.

She saw a very arrogant man arguing with a woman. They don't care about those around them who are bothered by the debate.

Binar thought this was too much, and she rushed out to approach those who were still arguing. She saw Ga Eun walking from the pantry, and they walked together towards the couple who were having a big argument.

"Sir, you should just continue this debate outside! Don't you see that it has disturbed the comfort of other visitors," said Binar respectfully even though she was annoyed with the attitude of the man who made a fuss in her cafe.

The man does not accept if someone bothers him even though he has disturbed the comfort of others. He looked at Binar with an angry look for making him even more annoyed.

"You damn woman! Go there don't bother me teaching this cheap woman a lesson!" The man snapped at Binar.

Binar was patient with the man, but the man could not control himself. The man was still yelling at the woman in front of him.

"You always tell me that. Even though you've made love to another woman!" shrieked the irritated woman.

The man slapped the face of the woman who had dared to scream at him. Binar couldn't stand the man's attitude. She was persecuting a woman just because she already knows her rottenness.

Without saying a word, Binar pulled the man's tie and dragged him out of the cafe.

"Remember never to set foot in this cafe again!" said Binar, then she walked into the cafe.

He didn't realize that the man who he had kicked out came back in. The man intended to hug Binar with a wooden block took outside the cafe.

There was a blunt impact, Binar immediately turned around. She saw Adnan, who was behind her to protect her. Candra moved quickly to catch the man and then told Ga Eun to call the police. Ga Eun quickly grabbed her cell phone and called the police.

Binar was still stunned. The man's blow was so hard that Adnan's arm was injured and bleeding. Adnan turned. He looked at Binar, saw if he was hurt or not.

"Are you hurt?" Adnan asked Binar.

Binar woke up and said, "Let's go to the hospital, okay?"

She immediately pulled Adnan's arm towards the car. Candra followed his master and mistress. Before that, he tightly tied the man who had attacked Adnan with a rope.

"Watch him until the police arrive!" Adnan orders Ga Eun.

Ga Eun nodded. She tied up the man who was already making a fuss. She saw the woman arguing with the man sitting and looking sad. The woman is saddened by it hurting innocent people.

"You're not going Miss?" Ga Eun asked the woman.

"No—I'll wait for the police and file a report for violence!" She answered calmly.

On the other hand, Binar, who was on her way to the hospital, looked worried because fresh blood was still flowing from Adnan's arm. She also felt guilty for protecting herself. Adnan got hurt. If only he could have been more vigilant, it might not have happened like this.

"You don't have to worry, it's just a small wound." Adnan said.

"How about a small wound? Look at the blood still coming out of my arm!" Binar replied in a high tone because she was annoyed. Adnan said it was only a tiny wound.

Adnan smiled. He didn't expect his stray cat to be cute like this. And will worry about him being injured. It's true for him this wound is tiny after the experience he has felt since he was a teenager.

The car stopped at a hospital. Binar immediately ordered the nurse to treat Adnan's wound. A nurse quickly brought Adnan to be treated.

Adnan opened his coat he asked Binar to come too. The nurse also allowed it because it looked not too dangerous. Slowly, first. After that, see if the damage needs stitches or not.

"Sir, it looks like your wound is quite deep—I'll stitch it up." The nurse said as she got up and walked over to a table to prepare the necessary equipment.

"See, did I say this is not a small wound," said Binar to Adnan.

"Stop it—don't get mad at me all the time!" Adnan said while pinching Binar's nose.

Binar brushed off Adnan's hand that was pinching her nose, and she didn't like it when someone lifted or touched her nose. Because she always remembers the memories that are so beautiful and painful for her.

"Do you need anesthesia?" asked the nurse to Adnan.

"No—just do it now!" replied Adnan casually.

Binar was surprised why Adnan didn't want to be anesthetized. Instead, it would be painful. Maybe Adnan wants to be cool in front of Binar. That's what is in Binar's mind right now.

However, Binar couldn't bear to see all that, so she gripped Adnan's palm so tightly. And who felt it couldn't help but smile? He didn't expect such a woman to act like this.

The nurse finished sewing Adnan's wound and then wrapped it with gauze. He also said the damage was still wet, so it shouldn't be exposed to water for a few days. And Adnan must have his wound checked within the next two days.

Adnan told Candra to take care of everything, the costs, and the drugs he had to endure. Meanwhile, he will wait in the car with Binar.

While waiting for Candra in the car, the driver decided to get out for a while because he saw Adnan's sign to get out. Binar just sat while looking at her cellphone screen, and she was texting with Ga Eun.

Binar asked Ga Eun how the cafe and the man who had dared attacked Adnan were doing. Ga Eun said in her message, if the restaurant is not a problem, while the man who had shot Adnan has been taken away by the police. Took care of everything, so Ga Eun told Binar not to worry.

Now all Binar has to do is take care of Adnan, who has been injured for protecting her. Adnan was annoyed that he was again ignored by Binar, who was busy playing with her cellphone.

"Do you feel innocent, honey?" Adnan whispered as he took Binar's cell phone.

Binar turned her face, so they both looked at each other. Adnan's breath made Binar feel awkward, and she immediately turned her face away to relieve her awkwardness.

Adnan chuckled at the attitude of such Binar, and he wanted to tease his wife even more. However, he stopped laughing after Candra entered the car as well as the driver.

In Adnan's mind, there is still plenty of time to tease this stray cat, and he will not let it go until he is satisfied playing with him. Even if he begged to be released or scratched, he wouldn't let go. And tonight will carry out how mischievous intentions.