26. Morning Kiss

It was getting late. Binar, who was still in her apartment, tidied up some things she wanted to take to Adnan's house. She wanted to live in this apartment, but he couldn't deny Adnan's wish because of their agreement before marriage.

Binar looked at Adnan, who was sleeping on the edge of the bed. She did not expect that there would be a man sleeping there soon. And she also did not expect to marry a man who was far apart in age.

She stepped closer to Adnan because there was something strange about her. She held Adnan's forehead. His body temperature was high enough. Binar rushed to get ice water to compress Adnan. She remembered the nurse's message that Adnan would have a fever because of his wound.

After compressing his forehead, Binar walked to the table where the medicines that Adnan had to take were neatly stored. Binar read one by one the drugs to find a fever medicine to be given to Adnan.

Binar found a fever reducer, and she rushed to the pantry to get drinking water and then went back into the room. She approached Adnan and woke her up to tell him to take a fever reducer.

Adnan wakes up and takes medicine given by Binar, and he falls back asleep after taking medication from Binar's hand. Seeing Adnan, who was already asleep, made both of Binar's eyes feel sleepy so strong. Finally, he fell asleep beside Adnan.

The next day.

The sound of Adnan's cellphone alarm vibrated, and it woke him up. He just realized that Binar's head was right in his arms. With a smile, he changed his sleeping position to see the woman sleeping in his arms.

He wants Binar so much, and he will be patient to face his wife, who is like a stray cat. Who can't be restrained and so dislikes when a bold man molests a woman.

Adnan again remembered his first meeting, and he did not expect that meeting was the beginning of it all. Maybe all this has become his destiny to be the husband of Binar Chavali. Even though it takes time to get his heart, he will always try to tie Binar's heart to his.

Adnan's hand touched Binar's hair that covered her face, and he brushed it gently. And that made Binar open her eyes and then close them again. Instantly her eyes widened as she realized that there was Adnan in front of her.

"Good morning, honey." Adnan said while kissing Binar's forehead gently, and Binar's eyes were still wide.

Binar's surprise made Adnan want to tease her even more, and she didn't expect her stray cat to look so cute. So not willing to let it go.

Adnan kissed Binar's right eye and then Binar's left eye, so her eyes didn't keep widening. He chuckled then told her not to expand her eyes or else all her eyeballs would pop out.

Binar's face suddenly turned red like a newborn baby, and she immediately changed her position to turn her back to Adnan to cover her embarrassment. It was the first time a man had done this to her.

"I didn't expect you to have shame too?" Adnan whispered as he gently embraced Binar's body.

Binar couldn't say anything, and she still couldn't control her irregular heartbeat. In her mind, why can she feel this way, even though she doesn't love or like Adnan?

Adnan's embrace made Binar feel different, coupled with the sound of his breath hitting the nape of Binar's neck. Make this woman ticklish and try to break free.

However, Adnan will not let her go because he is not satisfied with teasing his stray cat. Even if the stray cat squirmed, trying to escape, he wouldn't leave it.

"If you keep squirming—don't blame me for pouncing on you!" Adnan said quietly.

"I'm not ready yet," said Binar hoarsely as it is evident that she had just woken up.

Adnan turned his body, looking at her closely even though he wasn't wearing makeup. Binar was prettier. He likes a face without the slightest makeup, especially when he wakes up in the morning.

Andan's lips were getting closer to Binar's lips, and he couldn't help himself from enjoying every inch of her lips. Binar stopped Adnan's lips with three fingers because she didn't feel confident doing that when she just woke up.

Binar needs to go to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. Adnan understands what Binar means. However, he didn't care about the state of Binar, who had just woken up from his sleep.

"Let me clean myself up. Yes?" Binar said shyly.

Adnan got off the bed, then he gently picked up Binar and took him to the bathroom. He lowered Binar slowly, looked at her for a moment, then held her chin and kissed her lips gently.

"Wait," said Binar as she walked to the sink to get a toothbrush and toothpaste.

She gave Adnan a toothbrush that had smeared with toothpaste, which meant they had to clean their mouths first. Adnan chuckled. He was like dealing with a dentist who loves her oral hygiene.

Adnan tried to stop his laughter then brushed his teeth right next to Binar. Meanwhile, Binar was attempting to regulate her heartbeat, which had been irregular.

Brushing his teeth was over, now there was no longer any reason for Binar to refuse Adnan's wishes. However, he felt something strange about him, and it felt like there was someone who always stopped by every month.

While Adnan couldn't hold it anymore, he immediately kissed his lips gently. Playing there was so passionate that it made Binar enjoy it.

The kiss this time was different from the first. The kiss was getting softer, so Binar felt that he was not good at this game at all.

Adnan released his kiss, and he saw Binar, who was almost out of breath because of his actions. In his heart said, if this woman is not good at this game at all.

"This isn't your first, is it?" asked Adnan in a low voice.

Binar's eyes widened. She didn't expect Adnan to say that. It is the second time Adnan has played with hef. "No," Binar stammered.

Hearing Binar's stuttering voice and her irregular breathing made Adnan even more excited to devour his wife. He was happy because another man had never touched his wife.

"It's okay if you're not smart because I will teach you very gently," Adnan whispered as he hugged Binar and would teach her a lesson.