28. Avoid It

The hustle and bustle in the cafe made Binar forget what happened this morning, and she didn't expect Marcello to be Adnan's adopted son. Her heart was restless, and she didn't want to meet Marcello shortly. However, fate said otherwise she had to meet him, and that would probably be every day.

"Binar... Binar...," Ga Eun called out for Binar, but she didn't respond.

Ga Eun called her back while shaking her hand that was playing with her pen. Binar stopped playing with her hands on her cell.

"Since when have you been here?" Binar asked because she was not aware of her presence.

"I've been here all this time, you're the only one who is busy daydreaming." Ga Eun answered.

Binar also asked what was wrong with her seeing her, whether there was a problem at the cafe. However, she looked out of the large window that blocked her office from the cafe room. Looks safe, there are no problems that make all visitors disturbed.

"There's someone who wants to see you," Ga Eun said as she pointed her hand at a table from behind a glass wall.

Binar looked in the direction Ga Eun pointed and saw a man sitting while enjoying neatly arranged orders on the table. In her heart, Binar asked why Marcello met her.

"Tell him to leave, tell him I'm not around!" said Binar.

"Okay. I'll tell him," Ga Eun replied, then she walked out of the office.

Ga Eun approached Marcello's desk, and she said what Binar said. However, Marcello couldn't believe she said he would wait for her until Binar wanted to meet him.

"You are so stubborn," said Ga Eun as she walked away from Marcello.

Marcello knew that Binar was in her office, but he purposely avoided her. In his heart, there is still something he wants to ask Binar, and he wants to ask why she can marry Adnan.

Ga Eun went back into Binar's office to say what Marcello had said.

"He doesn't want to go and will continue to wait for you, who exactly is he?" asked Ga Eun, who was curious about Marcello.

"He is Adnan's adopted son," said Binar.

"What?" Ga Eun screamed as she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Ga Eun stares at Binar, and she feels it's not just a matter of her husband's adopted son. However, there was another problem that occurred, and she did not know what it was.

"Prepare the lunch menu, I'm going to Adnan's company!" Binar ordered Ga Eun.

"Okay," She said as he walked away.

Even though she was still curious about the relationship between Binar and Marcello in Ga Eun's mind, she didn't force Binar to tell her everything. She immediately did what Binar told her to prepare a lunch menu that she could take home.

The menu that Binar asked for finished, Ga Eun also handed the order to Binar.

"I'm leaving, if I don't come back you take care of everything!" said Binar as she stepped out of the office.

She strolled. However, casually so as not to be seen if she was trying to avoid Marcello. Her footsteps stopped when he arrived in front of her car.

She quickly opened the car door and got into it, starting the car engine. Slowly the car walked out of the cafe parking area.

On the way to Adnan's company, she took her cell phone and dialed Candra's cell phone number. Binar said on her way to his company to deliver lunch for Andan.

Candra said that if Adnan was in a meeting, but it would be over, he also said to go to his office immediately. After saying that, Binar hung up the phone.

A few moments later, Binar arrived in front of Adnan's company building, and she estimated her car was in the building's parking area. After that, he walked towards the elevator to go straight to the floor he was going to.

Before entering Adnan's room, there was a woman who asked about her needs. She said she wanted to meet Adnan Raymond, and the woman again asked if Binar had made an appointment beforehand.

"Not yet. I haven't made an appointment with him yet," replied Binar in a relaxed tone.

"Then Miss can wait first," said the woman who was none other than the secretary.

Binar sat on the sofa. She took her cell phone and looked at the incoming messages. She didn't realize that Candra had seen her as well as Adnan.

"Send him in!" Adnan orders Candra.

Adnan went into his study, and he couldn't wait to know the purpose of his wife's arrival because he didn't get news that Binar would visit him at his company.

"Miss, have you waited long?" Candra asked Binar.

"No," she answered.

Candra also invited Binar to come with him to meet Adnan. Binar got up from her seat and followed Candra's steps, and she saw Adnan's secretary smile.

Candra knocked on Adnan's office door, and there was a call to enter. He opened the door slowly and invited Binar to join first before he entered.

"What are you carrying?" asked Adnan, who saw Binar in her hand carrying a handbag.

"Lunch for you," Binar replied.

Adnan also told Candra to leave after handing over several documents that he had signed. Candra took the paper, then left Adnan's room.

Binar looked at Adnan, and she didn't know what to start with her. She saw Adnan get up from his seat and walk closer without saying a word. The man pecked his lips briefly.

"You—," Before continuing your words, Adnan kissed Binar's lips again gently.

The soft kiss made Binar drift away. Binar almost forgot what was in her hand and was about to let go. However, she woke up and stopped Adnan's kiss.

"Let's eat first!" said Binar with an irregular breath.

Adnan smiled, then he said, "Okay." He also held Binar's hand, then walked to the sofa. He sat on the couch. And told Binar to sit beside him.

Binar sat beside him, and she opened the food that Ga Eun had prepared earlier. She told Adnan to eat it immediately so that the food she brought was not too cold and ended up being unpleasant to eat.

Adnan felt very happy because he saw his wife came to provide lunch for him. He also told Binar to eat with him too.

"My stomach is full," Binar told Adnan, who told him to eat together.

She also said she would accompany him to eat, and maybe she would wait for him to finish work. Binar was lazy to return to the cafe because Ga Eun gave the news that Marcello was still there and kept waiting for her.

"Aren't you so busy that you want to accompany me to work?" asked Adnan while eating the food in front of him.

"I'm busy but I'm lazy to work," She said.