29. Keep Chasing

Binar, who was still waiting for Adnan to finish his work, didn't think it would take so long. And she finally fell asleep on the sofa, Adnan who saw her sleeping, immediately walked over.

"What's the matter with you today? Why aren't you like usual?" He said while stroking Binar's hair.

There was a knock on the door. Adnan immediately ordered someone behind the door to enter. Candra came in, and he saw Binar sleeping because she was waiting for Adnan, who was working.

"Looks like I have to prepare a room to rest," said Candra to Adnan.

"Do it fast, maybe he'll be waiting for me here often!" Adnan replied with his trademark smile.

Candra gave the last document that Andan had to check and sign before returning home. It didn't take long to examine the composition. Adnan immediately handed over the paper to Candra.

"Get the car ready, I'll take it home!" Adnan orders Candra.

"Fine," He answered.

Not long after, Candra went back into Adnan's office and said that everything was ready. Without thinking, Adnan immediately carried Binar, who didn't wake up at all.

"Stupid girl her alert level has become this weak," He muttered as he continued to walk towards the car.

Every employee noticed Adnan, who was holding Binar, who was still sleeping. Every woman wants the same treatment like that, and some are surprised that Adnan can act like that. Because what they know is that his boss is ruthless and always cold to every woman who chases him.

Binar woke up, and she was surprised why she was in Adnan's arms. And she saw many eyes watching, and she quickly asked Adnan to lower herself. However, Adnan did not want her to carry Binar into the car still.

"Why didn't you put me down earlier? I'm ashamed to know!" said Binar, who looked annoyed at Adnan for not wanting to put her down.

"I don't care, you are my wife what's the shame?" Adnan replied as he asked back.

Binar sighed then said, "Never mind ... there's no point in arguing with you either!"

Adnan smiled, which indicated victory. He would not make this stray cat win from him this time. Binar became increasingly annoyed with Adnan when he called Marcello and asked him to come home for dinner at the usual restaurant they met.

"Why do you look upset? Is it because I carried you or because I invited Marcello?!" Adnan asked Binar, who looked annoyed at him.

Binar did not answer what was asked by Adnan because there was no point in answering it either. Anger already made her not want to say anymore.

The car stopped, Candra said when he arrived at the intended restaurant. He got out of the car and opened the car door for Binar and Adnan. Binar got out of the vehicle and followed by Adnan.

"You just arrived too?" Adnan asked Marcello, who was about to enter the restaurant as well.

"Yes. I just arrived," Adnan answered while glancing at Binar.

Binar quickly holds Adnan's hand and says to come in soon as she is hungry. Adnan smiled without another word. He immediately walked by, holding Binar's hand into the restaurant.

Candra has prepared a particular room in the message so that no one interferes with Adnan's dinner this time. The food has been ordered, just waiting for the waiter to arrange it on the table.

The waiter arrived and neatly arranged the food that Candra had ordered. After being neatly arranged, the waiter left Adnan's room. Binar told Candra to sit together. However, Candra politely refused because she was just an assistant and would do what she had to.

"Sit down, I asked!" Binar repeated it all and didn't want any subtle refusal from him.

Adnan nodded his head as he asked Candra to sit down too. He was happy with Binar because he treated Candra as more than just an assistant. Indeed, he is a friend who knows Adnan very well.

During dinner, Marcello looks annoyed because Binar seems so close to Adnan. He was reminded of the past when they were very close.

It was a wonderful memory for him, and he would never forget it. He again reminded of the incident that required him to leave and leave Binar with such great disappointment.

If all of that hadn't happened, perhaps Binar would have become his wife by now and not his adoptive father's wife. The feeling of wanting to have Binar again grew in his heart. He didn't want to give up at all and would continue to pursue him.

Marcello doesn't care about Adnan's feelings because all he knows is that there is a woman in Adnan's past who hasn't disappeared from memory. And he was sure that Adnan didn't love Binar with all his heart.

Candra noticed Marcello's gaze, and he felt that something was wrong with his attitude when he saw Binar. In his mind, he would not let anyone make Adnan's life miserable, even if he had to face Marcello.

Binar finished with her meal, and she asked permission to go to the toilet. It wasn't long before Marcello was allowed to go to the bathroom. Candra was getting more and more curious about Marcello's attitude. He wanted to follow them, but he felt terrible for Adnan and didn't want Adnan to be suspicious of Binar and Marcello's relationship.

"You're suspicious of them aren't you?!" Adnan asked Candra.

Candra was silent. In this heart, he said that Adnan had realized Marcello's attitude. He also said that there was something odd when he saw Marcello, who looked at Binar with a gaze that he was so eager to have.

"Leave them alone—I just want to know where things will go," said Adnan, looking at the screen of the cell phone with a photo of Binar in it.

Candra only obeys Adnan's orders, but he will not just standstill. If everything is over the line, he will act even if it has to make Binar suffer.

Binar came out of the bathroom and saw Marcello already outside the bathroom. It seemed Marcello had been waiting for her all along. However, Binar ignored him and left Marcello.

Her steps stopped when Marcello held Binar's hand, "Why are you avoiding me?"

"Let go—don't you respect me as your father's wife?!" said Binar.

"Come back to me, I beg you ...," Marcello begged Binar.

"You're late and you know what I'm like!" Binar said as she walked away from Marcello.

"I say once again Bi until whenever I will chase you and will never let you go!" shouted Marcello, who didn't care about his current existence.