30. Fulfill Desire

Binar and Adnan arrived at the house. After her conversation with Marcello, she asked Adnan to go home. Binar didn't want to see Marcello again. For Binar, she was a past that had to be forgotten. However, not for Marcello, who still wants to pursue Binar.

Candra knocked on the door in Adnan's room. He didn't want to disturb the rest of the ladies and gentlemen. However, he had to provide essential information to convey to Adnan.

"Enter!" heard Adnan's voice telling Candra to come in.

He also opened the door of the room, stepped in carefully because, at this time in the room, there was not only one Adnan, but there was Binar, who had started living in one room.

"What is it?!" Adnan asked Candra.

"There is a problem to work on on Jeju island," answered Candra.

Candra also continued to say if there was a problem and required Adnan to solve it. He also said that the person started to move and was trying to mess up.

"Can I come with you?" Binar asked Adnan, who was still talking to Candra.

Adnan told Candra to prepare everything and told him to take care of his departure tomorrow morning. Candra nodded, and then she walked out of the room.

In his heart, Candra thought that he might take care of everything, plus Binar. He thought it was better than leaving his lady with Marcello.

"You seriously want to come with me?" Adnan asked again to confirm what he heard.

"Yeah—if you don't want to, then I won't force you!" Binar answered as she walked towards the balcony.

In her mind Binar, for the time being, didn't want to meet Marcello because she was already getting out of line. She knew that Marcello would do what she had set out to do.

Adan walked closer to Binar, and he saw that the woman was so different. It was clear to him that his wife was thinking about something, and he was sure that what was on his mind right now was Marcello.

He hugged Binar gently, smelling the scent of her hair that could calm Adan's heart. Binar's hand held Adnan's hand that wrapped around his body without saying a word.

"Get ready—tomorrow morning we're going to Jeju!" Adnan whispered while kissing Binar's earlobe gently.

"Stop that! Why do you always kiss my earlobe huh?!" Binar said at the same time asked Adnan.

Adnan chuckled hearing Binar say that. He wanted to tease the stray cat even more. He started his mischief by kissing the nape of Binar's neck.

"Stop this! What if someone sees it!" Binar said quietly while holding back the amusement from Adnan's game.

Adnan didn't care what Binar said, and he was still playing gently on the nape of his neck. He didn't realize that someone was always watching what he was doing with Binar.

"Adnan, stop this!" said Binar quietly, her tone starting to sound so seductive.

"Okay," Adnan replied as he carried Binar and walked into the room.

Binar looked closely at Adnan, the man she didn't expect to be her husband. Now at this time, the only thing that must be in her heart and mind is Adnan, not another man.

"Don't even try to think of any other man besides me!" said Adan seriously, but not long after that, he smiled gently.

"I don't think about other men," said Binar while looking away.

She knew that what was said was not all true because, in her heart, she still stored Marcello's name. However, she would never accept Marcello back. Because for Binar right now, her priority is Adnan Raymond, who has become her husband.

"You have to keep your word, honey!" said Adnan softly as he threw Binar onto the bed.

Adnan watched the woman in front of him closely, and he bent his body so that it was right on top of Binar's body. He saw the rosy Binar of the lips, and it made him couldn't help but enjoy it.

Adnan's lips smiled gently, and then he kissed the Bibar lips gently. Adnan's game was so gentle that Binar enjoyed it and followed every game that Adnan played.

Not only the lips that play, but Adnan's hands also start to play by tracing every curve of Binar's body. His hands began to unbutton Binar clothes one by one. Until finally, undid all the buttons of Binar's clothes, his hands began to play gently on Binar's chest.

Binar's body trembled every time she accepted Adnan's game. Every vibration seen by Adnan made her feel even more eager to play with the woman she loved so much.

"Did you enjoy it, honey?" Adnan whispered while biting Binar's earlobe gently.

Binar couldn't say anything. At this moment, what she felt made her want more. Adnan's soft touch made her unable to resist it.

Binar's silence made Adnan continue her every game gently. Adnan kissed her lips again softly, playing for a moment in his mouth. Not so long, his lips began to kiss Binar's neck gently.

His kisses went back to Binar's chest and played there. Binar's body shook again to accept Adnan's every game, and she couldn't help her voice calling out.

The soft voice made Adnan smile and was more provoked, and he wanted to continue playing games that would make him hear the voice of Binar, who enjoyed playing.

"Are you ready, honey?" Adnan asked quietly.

Binar nodded, then slowly, Adnan began to play very gently. Beads of sweat began to come out of their skin, which indicated that they had enjoyed every game.

The soft voice of Binar returned from her reddened lips, making Adnan play more intensely. Finally, they reached the point of enjoyment together.

Adnan covered Binar's body with a blanket. He got into the blanket and hugged Binar gently. This night was so beautiful for Adnan, and it was because he felt that the twinkle had given up all his heart for him.

"Go to sleep—tomorrow morning we leave!" Adnan whispered, then kissed the top of Binar's head.

Binar closed her eyes because she felt tired from using them both earlier. Likewise with Adnan tried to close her eyes, but she couldn't.

Adnan is reminded of the relationship between Binar and Marcello in the past. Is their relationship over, and Marcello will accept Binar as the wife of his adoptive father.

If you look at his nature and character, it won't be easy because Adnan knows for sure Marcello. However, he did not want any estrangement between himself and his adopted son.

After all, he loved her very much and didn't want to make her suffer. If only Adnan had known earlier about Binar's relationship with Marcello, maybe he would have backed off and let Marcello reunite with Binar.

However, now that it is over and Binar has become his wife, his love for Binar has deepened. He has no intention of letting go of Binar and will make Binar fall in love with him and has no intention of leaving him.