31. Bad Thoughts

"Good morning, honey." Adnan greets Binar when he opens his eyes in the morning.

"Morning," said Binar, who had seen Adnan smiling gently at her.

Adnan kissed Binar's forehead gently, and he said to get ready soon because he would soon leave for Jeju Island. After saying that, he got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

Binar got out of bed while Adnan cleaned herself. He chose to prepare some things that she would take to Jeju island. Not long after Adnan came out of the bathroom, Adnan saw Binar, still busy thinking about something. Without thinking, Adnan stepped closer to Binar, and he wanted to know what problem he was thinking about.

"What are you thinking, honey?" Adnan whispered, then kissed Binar's earlobe gently. Took Binar by surprise, but she quickly regained her composure.

"I'm confused," She replied a day back at something that confused her.

Adnan saw something, and he saw the same clothes but different colours. She smiled, then told Binar to bring both of them and took some lingerie that Binar had to bring.

"Are you okay with me wearing this every night?" asked Binar seductively.

"Don't start teasing me—we should start getting ready by now! Clean yourself up!" Adnan ordered, who tried to restrain his wife's ignorant attitude.

Binar walked towards the bathroom while thinking about why she could tease Adnan like that. What had happened to her? Why did she feel if Adnan was a man who could make her comfortable?

She didn't think that she would do the same if he were close to Arganta. If she remembers her brother again, then she will miss her very much. All this time, Arganta always said he would meet her in Korea. However, all of this has always failed and has not yet been realized.

Binar finished with her cleaning routine, and she opened the bathroom door using only a towel wrapped around her body. She didn't realize that Marcello was in the room discussing something with Adnan.

Binar's eyes widened when she saw Marcello while Marcello continued to stare at Binar without batting an eye. Adnan, who saw that cleared his throat, and it woke up Binar. Then she ran to the bathroom.

"Are you done?!" Adnan asked Marcello, who had just woken up from being surprised to see Binar, who only used a towel.

"Already—are you going to Jeju today?!" Marcello asked Adnan.

"Yes. I will go with Binar," He answered.

Marcello felt a little disappointed because he thought that Binar would not come with Adnan. So that he could approach Binar again, he still wanted to continue chasing him to the last drop of blood.

After knowing that, Marcello left Adnan's room while thinking about what Marcello would do. Marcello intends to do something to make Adnan and Binar's days hotter. All the rotten plans began to fly in Marcello's mind.

Binar heard whether Marcello had left the room or not. If she has not come out of the room, she will not come out of the bathroom because she did not bring her clothes.

Adnan knocked on the bathroom door, and he knew that Binar would not come out of the bathroom if he thought that Marcello was still in the room.

"Come out! He's gone," said Adnan.

Binar opened the bathroom door. She walked out and passed Adnan, who was in front of her. She quickly walked to the closet and took the clothes she wanted to wear.

Currently, Adnan does not intend to tease his wife because he will soon leave for Jeju Island. He rushed to the bathroom and cleaned himself up.

Binar was ready, and she also prepared clothes for Adnan. Not long after, Adnan came out of the bathroom and saw his clothes neatly arranged on the bed.

Adnan smiled. He walked over and took the clothes that Binar had prepared. However, he did not see his wife in the room. His eyes swept the entire room looking for her.

However, Adnan did not find it, and he decided to prepare immediately. There was the sound of the bedroom door opening, and the one who entered was Binar. It made Adnan smile gently. Binar stepped closer to Adnan, and he saw the tie that had not been neatly attached to his neck.

"I'll help," said Binar softly, then her handheld the tie.

Binar began to tie Adnan's tie and then smoothed it, Adnan, who could only stare at the woman in front of him. In Adnan mind said this was the woman he wanted. He hopes Binar can love him with all his heart.

"It's done," Binar said as he removed her hand from Adnan.

She intended to get away from Adnan immediately and prepare something unfinished. There was a knock on the door, Adnan ordered the person behind the door to enter.

Behind the door was Candra, who immediately walked into the room. Candra saw the lady and master were ready. He walked over and saluted.

"It's time for us to go," said Candra to Adnan and Binar.

"Okay let's go now!" Adnan said as he walked.

Binar also walked after Adnan from behind and Candra, who walked behind Binar and Adnan. There was someone who noticed the departure of Binar and Adnan, and she was none other than Marcello, who was thinking rotten things in her brain.

Candra realized that someone was watching her steps. He also looked up and saw Marcello, who was staring intently at Adnan and Binar. Candra felt that Marcello's gaze had an urgent meaning.

In Candra's mind, he hoped that what he was thinking was not true because there was no way Marcello would do bad to his adoptive father. He then resumed his steps and told himself that he would protect Adnan and Binar from all evil intentions that approached.

Binar entered the car. Before Adnan got into the car, he whispered to Candra. "Watch him—don't get into trouble!"

"Yes sir!" Chandra answered while nodding.

Adnan also entered the car to travel to Jeju island. Binar knew if there was something that Adnan was worried about, he intended to ask what was wrong, but she didn't because she didn't want any difference this time.

"Anything you want to ask, honey?" Adnan asked Binar because he realized that his wife wanted to know what was on his mind.

"Nothing," She answered.

"Listen to me if you want to know anything, just ask me! Because I don't want any secrets between us," said Adnan.