32. Jeju Island

After taking several hours, Binar and Adnan finally arrived in Jeju. Adnan, who had to take care of the problem first, told Binar to wait for him in the hotel room.

To relieve boredom, she decided to get out of the hotel and walk on Jeju Island. Binar took out her cell phone and looked around at the tourist spots on Jeju Island.

However, the plan was scrapped because Adnan contacted her and told her not to leave the hotel room. Binar heard Adnan's voice, so worried that she did what told him.

She wanted to know why Adnan didn't let her out of the hotel room. However, Binar didn't keep asking because she didn't want to cause trouble for her husband.

Binar started to think why Adnan turned out to be a little possessive. Didn't she stop herself from going anywhere she wanted? She took a deep breath and then lay down on the bed. Waiting is a very boring thing for her. She didn't feel her eyes start to get heavy, and she closed her eyes because the sleepiness was unbearable.

Adnan, who had finished with her work, rushed to the hotel room. He felt guilty for telling Binar not to go anywhere. He opened the hotel room door slowly, and he saw the room was so dark.

He thought that if Binar wasn't inside, his heart started to get angry about why his wife didn't do what she told him. Adnan turned on the room light, and his eyes widened when he saw a woman sleeping on the bed. A soft smile appeared on the corners of Adnan's lips. He walked slowly closer to the bed, then sat next to Binar, still asleep.

Adnan took his cell phone and sent a message to Candra to prepare dinner and send it to his room because he was sure that Binar had not eaten at all. Why could he think like that because, on the table, there were absolutely no leftovers from the food that he had to eat?

He gently stroked Binar's head, brushing the hair that covered his face. Seen a woman who has no sense of vigilance, she thought, what if an enemy approached her.

"Are you home yet?" asked Binar, who woke up because of Adnan's soft caress.

Adnan nodded, then he gently stroked the top of Binar's head. He wanted to hug him tightly and not let him wake up like that. That's what's on his mind right now.

There was a knock on the door. Adnan got up from his seat and walked towards the bedroom door. He opened the door to the room, and he saw two servants and Candra. They brought some of the food menus that Adnan ordered earlier.

Adnan also told them to go into the room, and the two waiters neatly arranged the food that was ready on the table and then said goodbye. While Candra was still in the room, she waited patiently if one day Adnan needed her help.

"Come eat with us!" said Binar as he got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

Binar intends to wash her face to look fresh because she just woke up. She didn't want to look like a woman who had just woken up when in reality, she was. After she finished washing her face, she looked refreshed then walked out.

Candra still stood tall and didn't like it. Binar looked like a bodyguard to her. Binar knew that Candra was not only an assistant but a friend of her husband.

"Aren't you going to sit down? I just found out if you're big brother will continue to stand tall!" said Binar while saying if she told Candra to sit down.

Adnan chuckled hearing Binar say that. After hearing that, he also wanted to know what Candra would say or do because this is the first time someone has ordered him to sit beside him.

"No—," Before Candra continued, Binar quickly ordered Candra to sit down. She didn't want any objections this time because she wanted to see Candra as Adnan's best friend tonight.

Candra looked at Adnan, who was still chuckling because his wife had told Candra to sit down. However, Candra tried to be a friend to face the two people in front of her.

Binar stared with sharp eyes, and she was very annoyed why Candra was so hard to sit down. She wondered if there was a wound on her ass that she didn't dare to sit down.

"Is there a cut on your ass?! So it's really hard for you to sit down!" said Binar with an investigating tone.

Immediately Adnan burst out laughing, and he couldn't help but laugh at every word of Binar. His laughter made Candra even more annoyed, and he couldn't contain his anger.

"Stop laughing, Adnan!" Candra said to Adnan, who was still laughing.

"Honey, you're right there's a boil on his ass so big he won't sit down!" said Adnan while chuckling again.

"Really, Candra?!" asked Binar while not believing what she was thinking was true.

"Damn you Adnan! You made Binar believe what you said!" said Candra, who could not contain her anger.

Adnan chuckles, even more when he sees Candra getting more and more furious. He hasn't teased his best friend for a long time. Because all this time, Candra has always carried out her role as an assistant, not as a friend.

Finally, Candra sat down at the same table with Binar and Adnan. Binar didn't want to argue anymore with two humans who could make her lose her temper if you have started joking.

Binar thought whether making Candra sit together should tease her like this or make her lose her temper. She sighed and told her the heart it was so difficult to make Candra obey her orders.

"Why are you sighing, honey?" asked Adam, who saw Binar sighed.

"It's really hard to make Candra obey my orders! Do I have to make her angry first?" Binar replied.

Adnan chuckled again because of Binar's words. For some reason, every word that came out of Binar's mouth made him laugh. At the same time, Candra could only be silent while holding back anger because of Adnan's laughter.

"Stop laughing, honey! You made your best friend mad!" said Binar as she began to choose the menu of food to be eaten.

Adnan also stopped laughing, and then he said to eat the food that was already available immediately. They began to eat dinner without much talking and joking.

"Is there anything else you need?!" Candra asked Adnan after he finished eating dinner.

"No! Just get the maids to tidy up this place before I rest!" Adnan replied as he got up from his seat and walked to the balcony to smoke a cigarette.

Candra got up from his seat and pressed a button near the sofa. Not long after someone knocked on the bedroom door, he walked over to the door and opened it. Two servants were already standing tall.

Candra immediately ordered the waiter to tidy up everything. After everything was neat, the waiters said goodbye to retreat, seeing that everything was neat. Candra said goodbye to go back to his room to finish all the unfinished work and then rest.