33. Joke

"Honey, can I go for a walk tomorrow?" Binar asked Adnan, who was still standing on the balcony smoking a cigarette.

Adnan did not answer Binar's question, and he just stared at the dark sky while smoking his cigarette. He was reminded again of Marcello's attitude, who was still trying to be close to his wife.

"Adnan Raymond," whispered Binar, who intended to tease Adnan.

She didn't know why he did that, Binar quickly took a few steps back. Because she knew what she did would cause Adnan to attack her.

"Chavali—you're really getting bold!" Adnan said, grinning.

Adnan stubbed out his cigarette, with a faint smile, he walked slowly towards Binar, who was already three steps in front of him. Just as Binar was about to step back but couldn't, his body hit the wall causing him to stop.

"What would you do?" Binar's hand with a probing tone at Adnan.

"You started all this so you must be responsible, honey!" Adnan answered in a low tone, but there was a slight emphasis on the words that came out of Adnan's lips.

His gaze was so sharp and focused on Binar's eyes, as he didn't want to let go of the prey who couldn't run anywhere. Meanwhile, Binar is currently thinking about getting out of Adnan's snare, who wants to devour her.

"Who started it? You just didn't hear what I asked!" said Binar while turning his face.

Adnan smiled. He thought his stray cat had started acting up. His hand touched Binar's chin and then moved his hand so that Binar's face was facing him again.

They looked at each other. Adnan slowly brought his face closer, and his intention was wrong to kiss the lips of the woman who had teased him. However, everything was undone, and his two thoughts touched Binar's waist and tickled him.

Binar was surprised by what Adnan was doing. The tickle from Adnan's tickle made him laugh. She tried to run away from her but couldn't because her husband always caught her.

"Stop this, Adnan! Do you want to make me die laughing!" said Binar while laughing.

"I'm not going to stop it until you say I need you, honey!" said Adnan while continuing to tickle Binar.

"Fine... Fine I'll say it—stop that hand of yours!" Binar replied because he couldn't stand Adnan's tickle anymore.

Binar breathed, adjusted the rhythm of her breathing again so that she could breathe normally. She wiped the tears that came out from laughing all this time.

She adjusted her body position, slightly away from Adnan's body. In her mind, she said it was not that easy for Adnan to get what she wanted because she would run away from him.

"Honey, I'm so... Really... Really need—" Before continuing the word needed, Binar stepped back, then turned and ran to the bathroom.

She screamed and said, "I don't need you!"

Adnan safety with Binar's behaviour, he also ran after him, but his attempt failed this time because Binar has managed to get into the bathroom.

"Honey, come out!" Adnan ordered while knocking on the bathroom door.

Binar didn't want to open the bathroom door because she knew Adnan would punish her. Adnan stopped knocking on the bathroom door, and he gave Binar a chance to be in the bathroom.

Adnan's cell phone rang. He immediately walked to the nightstand and took the phone that was on the nightstand. He looked at the number who called him, and there was Marcello's name on it.

"What else did he call me?!" He muttered as he picked up the phone.

He also only listened to what Marcello said, not even responding to his words. For some reason, he felt that something would happen that made him have to choose.

Marcello disconnects the phone, Adnan intends to keep his cell phone. However, he refused and sent a message to Candra, asking what Marcello had done.

Candra received the message, and she immediately contacted Adnan and said that Marcello was working on a new business for him. And Marcello's partner is Binar's best friend, Bianca Chastine.

That's all the information that Candra got, and everything she said was the same as what Marcello said. However, Marcello did not say who he was working with.

Adnan hung up the phone and put it back on the nightstand. He lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

He thought back to what Marcello would do this time with his new business. Adnan was worried because Marcello was completely inexperienced in his new business.

Although he is a little annoyed with Marcello for always wanting to approach Binar, he is still an adopted son, after all. He already considered Marcello like his own little brother, so he made him his adopted son.

Binar, who had been in the bathroom, decided to clean herself. She felt something strange about her. She had a visitor who always stopped by every month.

After finishing cleaning herself, Binar intended to get out of the bathroom but still hesitated. Because she remembered Adnan, who she thought was still annoyed with her. She put her ear to the door to hear what Adnan was doing.

However, she didn't hear any sound, and she thought maybe Adnan had come out of the room with Candra or had fallen asleep. Binar ventured to open the bathroom door slowly. So as not to make a sound that will affect Adnan.

She peeked first, not seeing Adnan and then opened the bathroom door as wide as possible. Binar came out of the bathroom with her eyes sweeping the entire room to look for Adnan's whereabouts.

Binar saw Adnan, who was asleep on the bed, but he was still wearing the shirt he had been wearing since noon. She intended to find out if Adnan had fallen asleep or was pretending.

She walked slowly closer to Adnan, who was on the bed, after being close to her. Binar leaned over to see if the man had fallen asleep or was it just a charade.

Adnan realized that Binar was staring at him intently. In his mind, he said that this woman always made him unable to contain his desire. He still closed his eyes and wanted to know what his wife wanted to do.

"Are you going to keep watching me, honey?" asked Adnan as he opened his eyes and pulled Binar's hand so that he fell on top of him.

Before hearing what Binar's answer was, Adnan quickly changed his body position. So that now what was under him was Binar's body, he looked gently at Binar's face, which already looked very fresh.

Adnan immediately kissed Binar gently, slowly his hands also began to release the towel attached to Binar's body. He didn't want to play games right now. The soft kiss made Binar drift away and followed him.

Binar woke up when Adnan's hand began to touch the sensitive area below gently. She remembered that when he was menstruating, her hand quickly stopped the movement of Adnan's hand.

Adnan stopped the kiss, then looked at Binar and asked why he stopped him. Binar understood what Adnan's gaze meant, and she hesitated whether to say it or not.

"Why?!" asked Adnan.

"You'll have to wait a week," said Binar quietly.

Adnan immediately threw his body right next to Binar, and he understood that answer. And he had to wait for a week to fulfil his desire.