34. Leave Without Permission

Binar had been in Jeju for three days, and she had yet to experience the island's beauty because Adnan is always busy with his work.

Binar wanted to go alone, but Adnan always forbade, and there was a reason. It made her feel constrained even though there was nothing that put her in danger.

She intended to leave right now to enjoy every sight that Jeju Island had to offer. Incidentally, Adnan is taking care of unresolved problems with Candra.

"I'd better go now!" Binar muttered as he took a small backpack and left the hotel room.

Binar walked to the lobby and sat for a moment while looking at the location he wanted to visit through her cellphone. Choosing several tourist destinations that interest her, she doesn't realize that someone is always paying attention.

"The Saryeoni Forest Trail is my goal!" She muttered, then got up from her seat and walked out of the hotel.

In front of the hotel, some taxis are always waiting for guests who want to use their services. Binar got into the cab and told the driver her destination.

"Okay, Miss." The taxi driver said as he started his car, leaving the hotel towards Saryeoni Forest Trail.

Binar's cell phone vibrated. She reached into the cellphone in her bag and saw who had sent her a message. She saw that the phone screen had Adnan's name on it, she opened the note and read it.

Adnan asks if he wants to have dinner outside or in the room. Binar was confused by the question, and she thought it was an old question. Because it's still early today, she should have asked about lunch.

She also replied to Adnan's message and said that everything was up to her. Binar didn't say that she was out of the hotel. If she did, Adnan would probably tell her to go back to the hotel immediately.

The taxi stopped, the driver said he had arrived at the destination. Binar took her wallet and took out the money to pay the taxi fee. After that, he got out of the taxi and strolled into the Saryeoni Forest Trail area.

Binar explores a forest that is so beautiful. The road she passes is quite comfortable. The towering trees kept everyone protected from the hot weather.

She took a breath of fresh air, and her smile broke when she saw the three girls who were walking through the forest with joy. Binar thought back to her two best friends, Bianca and Belva. If only that tragedy hadn't happened, they might still be together until now.

"I miss them both—if only . . .," She mumbled as she continued her walk through the woods.

"Binar Chavali,"

Someone was calling her name, she stopped in her tracks and looked for who had called her. Her eyes fell on a woman who was walking towards her.

"I thought I misunderstood, apparently we meet here!" she said arrogantly.

Binar just stared at the woman closely. Just now, she said that she missed her best friend. Fate brought one of her best friends before her, and she was Belva.

"Are you surprised? We haven't seen each other in a long time," Belva said again.

"How are you?" asked Binar.

"I'm fine," said Belva curtly.

So cold Belva to Binar does she still hate Binar so much. Even though they had not seen each other for several years, it did not change Belva's dislike of Binar.

"You haven't changed Va, you're still the same as before." Binar said.

"I haven't changed and I still really hate you, Binar Chavali!" said Belva.

Belva saw the man with her looking straight at Binar, and she was getting annoyed that everything had not changed. Any man who is close to her is always interested in Binar.

"What are you looking at, honey?!" Belva asked the man beside her, who was still mesmerized by Binar's beauty.

"No… I didn't see anything," The man replied, stammering a little.

Belva kissed the man gently. Over time, the two of them kissed hotter. She knew that if her man was mesmerized by the beauty of Binar, Belva wanted to show that not all men would fall into her hands.

Binar felt sad with Belva's attitude, and she left the two of them who were making out. In her heart, she was crying, and she didn't expect that Belva would still hate her. Yet all this time, she had never the slightest desire to snatch the man she liked.

She took a deep breath, not once but more than twice. Binar tried to calm herself and wanted to enjoy the trip this time, and she had to forget what had just happened.

This forest is so vast, but why today is Binar of meeting people in her past that makes her sad. She didn't understand what had happened today.

"You are here?" asked Bianca, who was standing right in front of her.

"Ca..." said Binar.

She saw Bianca holding hands with a man, where it was clear that she was a man who liked to play with women. Binar, increasingly sad to see everything, in her heart said, what is this? Why did the people he loved so much become like this?

"C—can we talk alone?!" Binar times asked.

"No... we don't have anything to talk about anymore!" Bianca answered as she walked past Binar with the man always looking at her full of desire.

"What's wrong with me Ca?! Don't be like this! Come back like the old Bianca!" said Binar, which made Bianca stop in her tracks.

Bianca turned around and walked over to Binar, and she looked intently at her best friend. No. The former best friend said in her heart, but she couldn't do anything. There was something that made her have to stay away from Binar.

"The old me? What was I like? Wasn't I the old me! Mind your own business—no need to take care of anyone else!" he said to Binar, then turned back and walked away from Binar.

Binar wondered in his heart, and she felt Bianca's last words had another meaning. I don't know what it is, but there's something wrong with it.

"I hope nothing bad happens to me or to my friends!" she said as she walked back through the forest.

She tried to enjoy the atmosphere of the forest calmly, but her mood was no longer able to enjoy it, especially after she met with Belva and Bianca.

In the end, Binar decided to go back to the hotel because everything was not wearing it. She didn't notice that several men were already watching. They began to walk towards her. At this time, their location was tranquil. Not many visitors walk past the area of Binar nowadays.

"Miss—come with us!" said an unknown bearded man in a commanding tone.

Binar was silent, and she didn't know who the man was and ordered her to come along. In her mind, she said whether she heard wrong, why she had to go with the man.

"Who are you? Why should I come with you?!" asked Binar in a probing tone.

"Just follow us—if you don't want to get hurt!" He said in a threatening tone.

"Injured? Are you guys so sure I'd want to come with you after hearing your threat, huh?!" Binar said that made the man a little annoyed.

A man seen as a bearded man said that Binar did not need to upset his boss. Because after all, he had to go with them, either life or death.