36. Ruthless

Binar tried her best to fight them all but couldn't because all her strength had been exhausted. Now she just resigned herself to her fate, and she chose not to die if they all managed to defame her.

"How dare you touch my woman with your dirty hands, huh!" said Adnan, who was furious to see their treatment of Binar.

Instantly all the men trying to defame Binar fell silent, some of them prepared to attack Adnan. However, quickly some of Adnan's men blocked and started beating them one by one.

Candra also attacked them because they could not stand their treatment of Binar. A man was still gripping Binar, seeing that Adnan grew furious.

Adnan walked closer to Binar, and he was not willing if another man's dirty hands touched her. His face was so red because he saw the bruises on Binar's face and hands.

"Let go of her or do you want me to suffer a lot?!" said Adnan to the man who still gripped Binar tightly.

"Hahaha... You're so confident Sir! I won't let her go because this woman has to die!" replied the man confidently.

The man was very confident because, according to him, nothing would be able to escape from his grip. If escape is death for his prey, he doesn't realize that Adnan is even crueler.

Adnan smirked. Now he had a reason to kill him mercilessly. However, he would make the man greatly suffer before death took him.

"Candra kill them!" shouted Adnan.

Candra, who heard that, knew for sure that if Adnan had said that, then there was no hope of enjoying life tomorrow. He began to kill one by one the enemies.

Likewise, Andan's subordinates who heard this immediately took the lives of the enemies who had made their master furious. There were no cries of pain because Candra and the others finished silently.

"How? Do you want to die the way they did or is it more painful?!" Adnan asked the man in a cold tone.

Adnan could already change the expression on his face that was very angry. Now a cold killing air arose. With this attitude, many enemies are afraid.

The man was stunned. He did not expect that his men could quickly die. However, he couldn't do anything more, and he was sure that would not save his wife.

Therefore he will take the dead Binar with him. He was holding a dagger. He has aimed the hand holding the sword at Binar's neck.

Binar's neck was bleeding from how sharp the dagger was. Adnan smiled lopsidedly, and he walked closer to the man. However, the man walked backward while pulling Binar.

Without saying a word, Adnan took out his firearm. He fired the bullet right at the man's hand. Instantly the dagger in his hand fell.

Binar felt this was an opportunity for her to escape from the man's grip. With all her might, she elbowed her enemy in the stomach because the elbow finally ran from her grip.

However, the man managed to grab Binar's hand. With a reflex, Binar warded off her enemy's hand and then threw her punch with a very strong. It was the last strength she had.

The man stumbled backward and fell to the ground. Candra moved quickly, and he caught the man.

"What are you going to do with this man?!" Candra asked Adnan.

"Find out who ordered him, then make him suffer before death picks him up!" replied Adnan.

Binar saw everything, and it was the first time she saw Adnan's attitude, which she thought was cruel. She could only stare at all the corpses that fell on the ground.

"You're starting to rebel huh!" Adnan said to Binar, who was still silent when she saw what had just happened.

"Finally yo—," Binar fell before continuing your words.

Adnan quickly caught the woman's body who had made him very upset because Binar did not obey his orders to stay in the hotel. Adnan carried Binar's unconscious body.

Candra, who saw it, rushed to get to the car. Before that, he ordered his men to take the man to the right of torture. And then his men immediately grabbed hold of and brought the man who had dared to touch the woman of his master.

"Hurry to the hospital!" Adnan orders Candra.

Actually, without being ordered, Candra would immediately take Adnan and Binar to the hospital. He quickly drove his car towards the nearest hospital. He didn't want anything to happen to Binar because it could make Adnan go back to how he used to be.

Adnan is not afraid of danger even though his life is at the end of a stretcher. And a man who has no feelings at all. Candra hopes that she will not see Adnan turn into a cold and cruel man.

Ckitttt! The car stopped right in front of a hospital. Several officers at the hospital began to bring equipment that could petrify Binar, and the doctor on duty immediately treated him.

"Sir, you'd better wait outside!" A female nurse ordered Adnan after Binar brought him into a room.

Adnan didn't want her to insist on accompanying Binar inside. However, Candra quickly ran Adnan.

"Calm yourself, Sir! Let them take care of everything! They are professional doctors," said Candra to calm Adnan.

Finally, Adnan began to calm down a bit, and he waited for the doctor to treat Binar. He hoped that nothing had happened to his wife and that he didn't want to feel the loss again.

A few moments later, a doctor came out. Adnan quickly approached and asked, "What about my wife?!"

"You can rest easy sir, your wife is fine." The doctor answered.

Not long after, several nurses brought Binar to place in the inpatient room. Adnan followed him until he arrived at the inpatient room.

Binar is still unconscious, and the nurse said that he would wake up soon. Adnan only noticed the bruises, and around his neck, there was a bandage to cover the dagger's cut.

"Give him some suffering before his death and find out who is behind this attack!" Adnan orders Candra.

Candra nodded then he left Adnan with Binar at the hospital. He rushed to the place where the man was being held and would interrogate.

In Candra's mind, he will not let this happen again. "How foolish I was not to prepare bodyguards for Binar Chavali!" Candra muttered as he walked to his car.

Adnan continued to sit beside Binar, observing the woman he currently loves. He was grateful that all the injuries he suffered were not too severe.

However, he would not allow the person who had attacked his wife to live in peace. Adnan will make the person feel fear if they seek trouble with him.