37. Realized

Binar's fingers began to move, and she tried to open her eyes slowly. Even though it felt heavy, she kept trying to open her eyes. The light was so blinding that she closed her eyes again.

"Are you awake, honey?" Adan asked so softly while holding her hand.

Binar tried to open her eyes again. Now what she saw was Adnan. Her head still felt very heavy, and her vision was still hazy.

She closed her eyes again for a moment and then opened them again. Now it is seen, Adnan's face is smiling. However, it looks exhausted from continuing to take care of it.

"Where is this?" The first words that came out of Binar's mouth quietly.

"It's in the hospital, how is anyone sick?" Adnan answered while asking her.

Binar was silent. She still felt weak, and when she was about to move, her neck still ached. Adnan intends to call a doctor because he sees Binar has regained consciousness.

However, when Adnan was about to get up from his seat, Binar grabbed Adnan's hand. And Binar looks like she doesn't want to be left by her husband.

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving!" said Adnan softly, then he pressed a button which was near the bed Binar was on lying.

Not so long ago, a doctor and a nurse arrived. The doctor also scrutinized Binar, and a smile appeared on the doctor's face.

"Sir, wife is okay, maybe in the next few days you will be able to return home." The doctor explained the results of the examination earlier.

Adnan was relieved because Binar had passed all his critical times. Now he won't let anyone hurt his wife.

"Thank you Doctor," said Adnan, letting the doctor go.

The doctor nodded and walked out of the room. Now only Binar and Adnan are left. They both seem to be silent. Adnan is still annoyed with Binar, who doesn't obey his orders.

"Sorry...," Binar said quietly.

She had remembered everything that had happened to her. Binar feels guilty for not obeying Adnan.

"Sorry for what?" asked Adnan.

"Sorry that I didn't follow your orders," said Binar while looking at Adnan to see if her husband was angry or not.

Adnan stared intently at the woman in front of him. He felt strange, why Binar quickly apologized because usually, she's anti-apologizing to him.

"I can't forgive you yet! After returning from the hospital I will punish you, remember that!" Adnan said with a bit of emphasis.

He wanted to know how the stray cat would react. Will it fight or be an obedient cat and will not act again.

"I will accept punishment from you," said Binar, which made Adnan surprised.

He gently held Binar's forehead and said, "Aren't you injured on the head?"

Binar was annoyed with Adnan's behavior like that. Without saying much, she turned her face away. She doesn't want to see Adnan teasing her right now.

Adnan chuckled at Binar's attitude, and he managed to irritate the woman who had annoyed him with his disobedient behavior.


The next day, Binar, who was uncomfortable in the hospital, asked Adnan to take her home. He prefers to rest in a hotel room, even though Adnan has provided all the comforts at the hospital.

"I want to get out of the hospital!" asked Binar persistently.

"The doctor said tomorrow or the day after that you can just get out of the hospital," Adnan answered gently.

However, Binar insisted she wanted to but left because she felt that she had improved. Only a scratch is still painful in the neck.

How not feel pain? The wound on her neck is not just a tiny scratch. However, the doctor stitched up the damage, and maybe at this time, the damage is still in the healing stage.

"No need to whine like a child! Tomorrow I will ask the doctor to let you go home!" said Adnan, who was getting annoyed with Binar's desire.

Binar was silent with her lips curled, and she knew she couldn't do anything because Adnan looked very annoyed with what she wants.

Not long after Candra arrived, he was happy because Binar was looking better. He looked at Adnan, and he seemed to have something to say.

"Follow me!" Adnan ordered Candra while walking out of the room.

Candra nodded and then walked after him. Binar felt strange with the attitude of the two of them.

"They're hiding something from me," Binar muttered as she tried to get out of bed.

Binar was so tired of being in the hospital, and she strolled towards the window. She was standing there while looking at the situation outside. There is a park where many people are enjoying the fresh morning air.

"Would you like to take a walk in the park?" asked Adnan, who had just entered the room who saw Binar staring out.

"May I?" Binar back asked.

Adnan nodded, then he walked closer to Binar. He carried him and sat Binar in a wheelchair. He gently pushed the chair into the garden.

Binar felt that something was missing. She had seen Candra. However, now she does not see whether Candra has left to do the task given by Adnan.

Adnan stopped at a place not too famous for the hot sun. He sat in a chair quietly.

"What is it and where is Candra?" asked Binar, who saw Adnan silent after talking to Candra.

Adnan sighed. He wanted to say what had happened. However, he felt uncomfortable with Binar if he knew everything.

"Nothing," Adnan lied.

Feeling that Adnan was not telling the truth, Binar was silent. She felt as if Adnan did not consider herself anymore. However, she dispelled that feeling, and it was possible that it was a company matter and did not want her to know.

Seeing Binar, who was also silent, Adnan knew that his wife must be disappointed. However, this is not the time to tell all this. When the time came, he would say to me everything.

"I hope from now on you are careful! I'm sorry for dragging you into my world," said Adnan with a tone of regret.

Binar was silent because she was still digesting what Adnan had just said. She is confused as to why Adnan said sorry and had dragged her into her world.

Before Binar asked further, Adnan's cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone, which was in his pocket. Adnan asked Binar for permission to pick up the phone.

Adnan doesn't usually act like this. Usually, he picks up the phone, always nearby. Binar is increasing that her husband is hiding something.

Binar only noticed Adnan, who received the call. She didn't realize that someone was always watching him.

Adnan hung up the phone, and then he walked closer to Binar. He looked annoyed and a little worried.

"What is it?!" asked Binar seeing Adnan's face like that.

"We're getting ready—we're getting out of the hospital right now!" Adnan answered while holding Binar's chair and pushing it slowly.

All made Binar even more convinced that something was wrong with everything. She let Adnan first for now. However, she will ask for an explanation when she is out of the hospital.

Binar didn't know whether to return to the hotel or where. When in the room, she saw Candra and a woman who was tidying her things.

"Everything is ready, sir." Candra said respectfully.

"Help my wife get ready!" Adnan ordered the woman who had tidied up Binar's things.

The woman nodded then walked closer to Binar. She behaved respectfully and then waited for Binar to change her clothes. After everything was ready, they left the hospital.