38. Marcello's Persistence

"Get some rest, you still can't move much!" Adnan orders Binar.

Binar did not think that Adnan would take her to a house. She doesn't know if Adnan owns a home on Jeju Island.

She was also curious as to why several guards guarded the house she lived. Binar felt that something was wrong with everything that had happened.

"Why is this house guarded so tightly?" Binar asked Adnan, who was sitting while opening his laptop, seeing the unfinished work.

"To take care of you! So that you don't run away on your own!" he answered sarcastically.

Hearing that Binar was annoyed, she immediately lay down slowly on the bed. She knew that what she said wasn't true because she believed that something monumental had happened.

Adnan smiled at Binar, who was annoyed, but he was forced not to say everything. Because it was not time for Binar to know, he went back to his work.

With the sound of a cell phone ringing, Adnan looked for whose cellphone was ringing. Adnan looks at Binar cell phone number one is calling him. That means Binar's cell phone is ringing.

He got up from his seat and walked towards the nightstand. Because Binar's cellphone was lying on the nightstand, he briefly looked at the cellphone screen because it had Marcello's name on it.

"What's the matter with him contacting Binar?" Adnan muttered as he took Binar's cell phone and walked away from Binar, who was sleeping.

Adnan picked up the phone from Marcello. He just silently listened to Marcello's every word that made his blood boil. His heart churned hearing that, and he beat his hands to hold back the talks.

On the other hand, Marcello wondered why Binar didn't say anything. Silently listen to what he has to say because usually, when he gets a call from him, Binar immediately hangs up.

"Father, is it you?" Marcello asked the person on the other end of the phone.

Marcello heard Adnan's voice telling him to stop straddling Binar. Because now the woman he loved had become his mother.

However, he did not want to and remained firm in his stance. Marcello said that he would still get his heart back, even though he would have problems with his adoptive father.

Adnan was distraught with Marcello's determination, and he immediately hung up the phone. Without listening to the words, Marcello was about to say.

"You don't know me, Adnan Raymond! I'll take what's rightfully mine!" Marcello muttered, then walked to his room.

In his room, there were many photos of Binar on display. Now he will not hide his heart from his adoptive father.

"You will be mine again, Binar Chavali! And you have no other choice but to belong!" Marcello said while touching the photo of a smiling Binar.

Marcello's cell phone rang. He took the cellphone that had been placed on the nightstand by him. He looked at the cellphone screen, and it was Belva's name.

He ignored the voice call from Belva because he didn't want to hear anything while he enjoyed the soft smiling face of Binar in a beautiful frame.

However, the ringing of her cell phone kept on, and it was still from Belva. Even though Marcello didn't want to deal with that woman anymore, he finally picked up the call from Belva.

"Hello," Marcello said.

Marcello listened to what Belva said regardless of what he said. He felt like he wanted to hang up the phone, but he didn't.

There was a scream of Belva, and it made Marcello surprised. Then he asked where Belva is now. Belva said that she was at the Jeju hotel. She wanted Marcello to meet her in Jeju.

Marcello also agreed because he could also see Binar, who was there. Even though he knew Adnan would not like his presence. However, everything is over, and he will snatch Binar from Adnan's hands.

He hung up the phone and tidied up the things he was going to bring. In his mind, he could not wait to meet Binar, but before that, he had to meet Belva.


Arriving in Jeju, Marcello immediately met Belva at a hotel. He knocked on the door of the room where Belva was.

The door to the room opened. Belva saw who was putting on a sad face. Without saying a word, he immediately hugged Marcello.

"Finally you came," Belva said softly and sounded sad.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Marcello, who was still hugging Belva.

Belva let go of her embrace and looked closely at Marcello. He showed his leg, already bandaged. He wants to establish if the leg is hurt.

"Who did all this?" Marcello asked again.

"Let's talk inside," said Belva.

Marcello nodded. He saw Belva, who was walking in pain. Without saying a word, he picked her up and walked over to the sofa.

Belva smiled gently at Marcello's treatment of her. Now all she wanted was to have this man ultimately.

That sense of belonging has only grown stronger over the past few months. Belva didn't know if what she wanted was impossible.

Marcello sat Belva gently on the sofa. He couldn't bear to see her in pain because he had considered Belva like his own best friend.

He didn't know the problem between Binar and Belva yet. Marcello doesn't know what he will do if he finds out about it.

"Tell me what happened?" Marcello again asked Belva.

Belva was silent, and she recalled what the man who had accompanied her in Jeju for the past few days had done.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, seeing that Marcello reflexively wiped them away gently. This treatment is wrong if he still loves Binar.

"He did all this to me," Belva said sadly to Marcello.

Belva burst into tears as she recounted all the events that made her get a wound on her leg. It turned out that the man with him had a disorder, and it made him sick.

Marcello reflexively hugged Belva again, and he intended to calm the woman who seemed to be suffering.

Belva felt happy. From the corner of her lips came a triumphant smile. She thought that she could make the man who used to love Binar love her so much.

Marcello slowly let go of his embrace, and then he looked at Belva closely. Their eyes met each other.

Belva, who couldn't stand the man's gaze in front of her, immediately kissed Marcello's lips. She couldn't bear to have the man and play to fulfill her desire.

Marcello's eyes widened with Belva's attack, and he did not expect that the friend of the woman he loved so much would do all this. He immediately pushed Belva's body slowly, and he looked back at Belva while wanting to know what he was doing.

"Why are you doing this? Don't you know I love Binar very much," Marcello said firmly but still had feelings for Belva's heart?

"Binar... Is she the only woman you love? Even though you know that she is already your father's wife!" said Belva, who was annoyed with Marcello, who mentioned Binar's name.

Belva also shed fake tears, and it managed to make Marcello melt again. For some reason, she always couldn't see the woman crying in front of her.