57. Provoke

The sound of screams echoed, Binar walked quickly. She wanted to see who had made the noise while Adnan was resting.

The closer Binar got to the voice, the more she recognized who was making a fuss. With an annoyed face, she stepped closer to her.

"What are you here for? I thought no one knew about this place?!" said Binar in a cold tone.

"Bi, come with me! Why are you living in this place full of darkness and hatred!" Marcello replied in a pleading tone that Binar would come with him.

"Why are you so sure of what you said? No matter how hard you try, I will not leave my husband!" Binar replied with a tone of emphasis.

"It's not that you left! Why are you back now?!" asked Candra, who had just arrived.

Marcello was silent, and he only looked at Candra with an annoyed face. There is still something unfinished in his mind, namely beating you, Candra.