58. Get Emotions

Binar could not contain her emotions anymore because the mysterious man had spoken rudely. What made it strange was why the man knew that Binar was in the hidden house.

As usual, the man asked to meet, but Binar did not want to because he was sure this man had evil intentions on Adnan.

Now Binar must be careful not to make herself Adnan's weakness. Maybe the enemy already knows that she is Adnan's weakness.

Binar also hung up the phone after hearing a knock on the door. She ordered someone behind the door to come in.

"Miss, it's time for lunch," The maid said respectfully.

"Prepare Adnan's lunch, I will have lunch with him!" Binary command.

"But, Miss..., "There was doubt from the maid.

"Just do my bidding!" said Binar with a tone of emphasis.

Alan, who saw something strange with Binar's attitude, ordered the servant to follow her orders. The waiter nodded and left to prepare lunch.

"What's wrong with you?" Alan asked.