68. Bright Spot

Binar had arrived in Seoul, and she headed straight for the house even though she didn't want to be at home because she wanted to find Arganta.

"How? Have you heard from, Arganta?" asked Binar to Candra.

"Not yet. I have mobilized all the bodyguards," answered Candra.

Binar was annoyed that he couldn't do anything. If only she were in Seoul, then Arganta wouldn't have disappeared like this.

"Calm yourself, he will definitely be found." Adnan said while touching Binar's palm.

Binar didn't say anything, and she just thought who had dared to kidnap Arganta. Because as far as she knows, her little brother has no enemies at all.

"Was the one who kidnapped Arganta our enemy?" said Binar.

Adnan and Candra looked at each other, and they thought the same. What Binar said could be true.

"Quickly investigate everything!" Adnan orders Candra.