69. Crashing Part 1

Binar was already in the garage, and no maid had seen her heading for the garage. She took the key hanging on a wall, where all the keys were.

She started the engine, pressed a green button. Slowly the garage door opened. Binar looked straight at the open iron gate, not too wide but passable by her.

Binar immediately spurred her motorbike at high speed. From a distance, a bodyguard saw the rate of Binar's motorbike. She tried to stop her but couldn't. Because Binar just barged out.

The bodyguard pressed a button and immediately connected to Candra. He said if Binar came out on her motorbike.

"Hurry up and chase!" Candra ordered the guards who contacted him.

"What is it?!" Adnan asked Candra.

"Miss Binar, she went on her motorbike without an escort." Candra replied in an annoyed tone because the bodyguards trained by him were so careless.