132. Death

"Wait! Are you out of your mind? Why burn him alive?!" asked Binar while stopping what Adnan ordered his guards.

"That is the punishment for those who have hurt those closest to me!" said Adnan coldly.

He can't forgive when someone he cares about is hurt. That's why Adnan always gives ruthless punishments to people who have disturbed him so that no one dares to touch the people closest to him.

"What are you waiting for! Burn him!" Adnan's orders.

Binar can no longer block Adnan's wishes. She could only close her eyes so she couldn't see Dani's body that was burning by the fire.

Adnan turned, and he hugged Binar tightly because he knew his wife didn't want to see everything.

Dani's screams were so heart-wrenching. Binar could no longer hear it, and she covered her ears with her hands.

"That hurts, have we been cruel to him?" muttered Binar from inside Adnan's arms.