133. It's All The Plan

"Tell me, what do you know about Belva's death?" Investigate Binar.

Adnan kept his cellphone on the table, and then he prepared to tell all the information that Candra had obtained Because he sent his assistant to investigate Belva's death.

He began to tell what he already knew. Nothing is hidden from Binar because Adnan will never hide anything from his women.

"So it was all Dani who did it and on the woman's orders?" Binar said.

"Yes. That woman had an even worse influence on Dani," said Adnan.

Now that everything is clear, Dani is getting crueler like this because of that woman. Binar clenched her fists, and she tried to contain all the emotions that were in her.

Binar didn't think the woman was so cruel. Did she not have the slightest bit of compassion. Why did he so easily torture and kill people without reason and cause?

"I won't let him touch you," Adnan said as he touched Binar's hand.