137. Who Is She

After being satisfied with teasing his wife, Adnan finally released Binar. He immediately walked to the bathroom to clean himself.

"Honey, do you want to take a bath with me alone?" asked Adnan before he entered the bathroom with a seductive smile.

"No. I don't want to. I came out with limp legs!" answered Binar thoughtfully.

Adnan chuckled when he heard Binar's answer like that, and then he went into the bathroom. Meanwhile, Binar waited for Adnan to finish with his cleaning routine.

Not long after Adnan came out of the bathroom, he immediately walked towards the dressing room. Now it's Binar's turn to clean up.

Binar came out of the bathroom a few moments later, and she immediately walked towards the dressing room. Adnan was still in the room, and he walked over to her.

"Not done yet? What are you looking for?" asked Binar.

"You love." Adana answered with a smile.