138. Binar Decision

"I ask again. Do you love, Arganta?" Binar asked Bianca.

Bianca was silent for a moment, and she didn't expect Binar to ask her that. She stared intently at Binar.

"Didn't you already know, Bi. That I only thought of him as a brother from the start. Nothing more than that!" Bianca answered firmly.

Binar had known from the start that Bianca only thought of Arganta as a brother. However, it is different from her brother because Binar can still see that her brother still likes Bianca.

"You, Arganta? Do you love her? Or is this marriage just because of yesterday's case!" Binar asked Arganta.


"He doesn't love me, Bi. He just feels guilty for what happened that time. I told him not to feel guilty. However, he is so stubborn!" interrupted Bianca before Arganta continued.

"That's enough, Ca!" shouted Arganta.