152. Namwon

After her father's return, Binar still couldn't breathe a sigh of relief because her father's condition was still not fully recovered.

She also thought back to what happened to Arganta. Only the best players can give to her brother.

"Honey, do you want to come with me to Namwon?" Adnan whispered while hugging Binar, who was standing on the balcony.

"What's wrong? Why do we have to go there?" Binar asked Adnan.

"I'll explain to you later, now we have to go!" Adnan answered while releasing his arms.

Binar also followed Adnan, and it turned out that everything had been prepared perfectly by the waiters. So they both immediately went to Namwon.

On the way, Binar was curious as to what happened. So Adnan took her there.

Binar remembered Candra because he was there. Does all of this have something to do with Candra, so Adnan rushes to take her there?