153. Old Man Doesn't Know

"Mom, I beg... help her," said Candra in a pleading tone.

Aunt Nara still doesn't want to accept the woman, and she really can't forget everything that has happened.

The woman groaned in pain as if she was about to give birth. Aunt Nara's stubbornness finally melted after seeing how much the pregnant woman suffered.

"Quickly bring her in!" said Aunt Nara as she walked in first. The two guards brought in a woman who was moaning in pain. Candra rushed in to see how she was.

Binar walked into the house, and she was worried and curious about what had happened to them.

"Honey, do you know who the pregnant woman is?" Binar asked Adnan, who had been silent all this time.

Somehow Binar felt that Adnan knew something and hadn't told her. She continued to force Adnan to say everything.

However, all her efforts were not fruitless because someone shouted outside.

"Quickly bring that woman out!" shouted someone out there.