159. Meaningless Application

This afternoon Candra intends to hand over the marriage agreement documents to Ga Eun. However, he didn't want to hand it over at home because he feared his mother would find out.

So Candra invites Ga Eun to go outside the house. Ga Eun also agrees with what Candra wants.

They both left the house and walked to a place where they could talk about everything casually.

Candra takes Ga Eun to a place that looks deserted. He sat right under a shady tree and handed Ga Eun a brown envelope.

Ga Eun reads it carefully, and no are points deducted. However, are points added by Candra.

"Are you serious? Did you not misread this point you put forward?" Ga Eun asked in disbelief.

"I'm serious about what I want," answered Candra with his trademark smile.

In Candra's mind, once, the woman in front of him entered his arms. Then it won't be easy to let go again.

"How? Do you still want to continue?" Chandra asked again.