160. Candra And Ga Eun's Wedding

In the morning at Candra's residence, the voices of people preparing for the were wedding heard. Everyone looks so happy to welcome Candra and Ga Eun's big day.

"Are you really sure?" Binar asked Ga Eun to reassure herself again. Are all of Ga Eun's decisions correct?

"I'm sure of what I've decided. I will never regret it," replied Ga Eun with confidence.

"Did you tell your father about this marriage?" asked Binar.

Ga Eun was silent, and she looked at her face in the mirror. All the makeup looks neat and perfect.

"He's not my father," said Ga Eun.

"What?!" Binar immediately asked in a high tone because she was surprised by what Ga Eun said.

Ga Eun also told her everything, and she visited her father in prison. The father wants Ga Eun to release her from prison.

However, he refused because she did not want her father not to get punished for all her actions that had killed her biological mother.