189. The Happy of Togetherness

In his darkroom, Binar tried to close her eyes. However, she still couldn't close her eyes because Adnan was always acting up and making her a little annoyed.

"Honey, can you stop your hands? I'm tired and again tomorrow afternoon we have to go back to Seoul," said Binar as she tried to release Adnan's hands.

Adnan did not listen to what Binar said; he just kept playing with his wife's two peaks of pleasure because Adnan ignored it. Binar finally let go of her husband's hands. She changed her body position so that they were both facing each other.

"I want to sleep," Binar said as she put her body into Adnan's arms.

"Okay. I'll let go tonight," Nadira whispered with a smile, and he closed his eyes.


There was the sound of music playing from Adnan's cell phone, and it woke him up. He took his cell phone and turned off the music as an alarm.