190. The Messenger

"I didn't think the Chavali family was so disgusting!" the person continued to say in a provocative tone.

"Who are you? How dare you make such a fuss in my house?" said Binar as she got up and walked towards the person.

Binar continued to stare intently at the man who seemed to want to destroy her family's happiness. Adnan also got up and walked behind his wife.

"I asked again who are you?!" Binar asked again with a tone of emphasis.

"Who am I? You don't need to know who I am. The important thing is that you Chavali family are rotten people!" said the man while spitting.

Adnan could not see his family being insulted like that. Without saying a word, he immediately threw a punch at the man. The man staggered backward after getting hit by Adnan.