227. Playing with Dae-Ho

Tired after his struggle last night, makes Binar feels refreshed when she wakes up in the morning. She looked to the side where Adnan was still asleep.

"Does it still hurt?" Adnan asked while touching Binar's waist and his eyes were still closed.

"No," Binar answered as she touched Adnan's hair and then kissed her forehead gently.

Adnan smiled, then opened his eyes, and he said, "You took my share, honey."

"Which part?" asked Binar, who did not understand because she never took anything from Adnan.

Without answering again, Adnan immediately kissed Binar's forehead gently while saying this is his share because a kiss on the forehead in the morning is part of it.

Binar smiled. She thought what part she took was just a kiss in the morning. Adnan's hands began to walk on Binar's body, covered by a cloth piece.

"Honey, wasn't last night enough?" asked Binar while looking at Adnan.