228. Ga Eun's problem

"Tell me, did you get into trouble at school?" Binar asked again with a tone of emphasis this time. 

"No. I'm not causing trouble ... tomorrow there is a school event and the guardian parents must attend," Dae-Ho answered while bending his head.

"Okay. I'll look at my and Adnan's schedule, if I can come then I'll go. If I can't go, what about Alan and Sonia?" Binar explained.

Dae-Ho nodded. He couldn't force his will because, for him, it was good to have someone accompany him at school events. He wouldn't be too sad about it all, besides Dae-Ho knew his Master must be very busy.

Binar stopped in the garden, and she saw that everything was back to normal after Alan's wedding yesterday. However, she was reminded of Jae-Hua's shot that almost hit her.

She held her cheek, which still had scratches from the bullets that passed through her. Fortunately, after the party was over, Adnan immediately treated her wound.