301. Birthday Party 

"Mom, are you here with Arganta?" asked Binar after releasing her arms.

"Yes. Now he is downstairs with Alan and Candra," replied the mother.

Binar looked at her mother with tenderness and affection. She wanted to pour out all her heart but couldn't because she was about to tell were not easy things to solve.

"What about dad? Is Nadira coming to Seoul?" asked Binar.

"Your father is fine. Nadira didn't come because she had to take care of her father in Jakarta," her mother answered while holding Binar's palm and stroking it.

Binar saw her mother's face exhausted, and she told her mother to rest for a while. She pressed a button on the side of her bed.

Moments later, Sang-Ook arrives. He knocks on the bedroom door and hears Binar telling him to come in. He opened the door and entered Binar's room.

"Can I help you, Miss?" asked Sang-Ook respectfully and gently.