302. Everything Revealed

"Arrest her! Take her to the darkroom!" Candra shouted to his guards.

The room is dark, and the guards feel strange with Candra's orders because it's been a long time since the darkroom has not used. After all, the lady asked to close it.

"Hurry up what are you waiting for!" Chandra orders.

The guards immediately dragged Seo-Yun into the darkroom. Yong-Rae screams, calling out his mother's name. However, he did not produce results still, but the mother was in a dark room. 

"Assistant Candra, please spare my mother," Yong-Rae pleaded with Candra. 

"Candra," shouted Binar, who realized that she was still sitting on the grass.

Candra immediately carried Binar, and he took her into the treatment room. Alan, who had just arrived, told Candra to take Binar to the hospital because it's better than in the treatment room in this house.

"The ambulance has arrived, we better take Binar to the hospital!" said Alan to Candra.