

Jin sat down on his bed; his eyes narrowed. He had been really acting different nowadays. The Healstone still had an effect on him. He really could express a bit of emotion, but the emptiness was still present.

He opened his system screen; and singled out but one skill alone. 'I can't have you guys stopping me from doing what I must,' he thought, furrowing his brows.

He had three horrible dreams in a row. One of them occurred after going unconscious the day when Benji had massacred him. After loosing to Benji, Jin had noticed that he was weaker than he had thought, and wanted to make a difference.

These dreams were about the arrival of the demons. He had no idea how these lucid dreams were so vivid and so rich in detail. He couldn't understand these dreams. But, he felt that there was a slight chance the system was trying to tell him something.