

In exactly four days in the future; yet another grand epiphany will be unveiled. The mishaps that had transpired at one of the Government's bureaucratic districts would happen exactly on this Thursday, 2024—the time at which the Great Rendell—keeper of all magic—was murdered.


Jin loomed in the benighted corner of his room; peering at a being who laid upon his bed. He anticipated the rouse of this figure. Why was this figure still loitering amidst his house every single night? Why couldn't he—at long last—withdraw for all of eternity. He scowled.

Then, his stoicism had been shrouded when his anger became apparent. His face scrunched, wrinkling in infuriation. Why couldn't this person die already?


Jin had flown up from yet another nightmare in the middle of the night. He bolted upright; panting. Out of breath. His eyes kept sweeping the room relentlessly; all in search for the monsters that lingered in his dreams.