It's true

Toby answered his mom " yeah I am fine mom but I wanted to tell you all about what happened last night. Toby's dad teased " what happened ? Is it that important that you forgot to get dressed?" Toby sighed and told his family what happened at the park last night.

Toby's family did not believe him.

Rose said " yeah and I bet they had candy in thier van down by the river as well." Rose laugh.

Toby's mom didn't know why he would make up such a story. But if it was true why didn't they ask for money or try to kidnap him for ransom?

Toby's dad and brother were just laughing at the ridiculous story.

Toby asked " so none of you believe me?" Toby's dad and brother said "no" at the same time. Rose shook her head.

Toby's mom said "It's just hard to believe honey."

Toby got up from the table and said " fine lets all go to the park and I will show you they are real."

Toby stormed out of the dinning room. He ran to his room and slammed the door. He was pissed that they didn't believe him. He thought " I could have Vivian tell them?"

But before he could call her Toby's dad came in his room. Toby rolled his eyes because his dad didn't knock.

Toby's dad said " ok Toby we will all go with you tonight." Toby felt happy that his dad agreed to go. But that feeling was short lived when his dad said " but if there is no one there....I want you to see a therapist."

Toby was shocked and pissed . He screamed " so you think I am crazy is that is ?!"

Toby's dad didn't want to tell him the truth. Because the truth is, yes he does think Toby must be losing his mind.

But he has never done this before.

So Toby's dad just left his room without saying a word. Toby just wanted to scream at all of them and tell them that he is not crazy.

Toby stayed in his room. His mom kept trying tp get him to come out and eat, but Toby kept saying that he will come out when they all go to the park.

It's 10 at night now. Kevin went to Toby's door and told him that they are ready to leave. Toby hopped out of bed and ran downstairs.

Toby asked "Why is Ben coming?" He thought to himself " why bring a body guard when you don't believe me?"

Toby's mom said" Its dark and we don't know how many crazies are at this park." Toby rolled his eyes. Ben walked to the drivers side of the van. They all got in the van.

20 min later they arrived at the park. They all followed Toby to the tree. Toby said this is the tree that one of them where in."

Rose walked up to the tree and knocked on it and said " Ms squirrel?" No response.

Then they heard crumpling behind them. They all whipped around and there sitting on the grass was three people dressed just like Toby explained.

They had ....snacks?

Toby's family whipped their heads towards him. Toby had a smug look on his face. Like I told you so.

When they looked back were the agents were, they were right in front of them.

Toby's family jumped back being startled. Agent M was staring at Rose's belly.

Then agent M went in one of her pockets and pulled out a unwrapped condom. She looked at is and said "oops wrong pocket." She threw it. It hit Ben right on his bald head and just stayed there. He grabbed it and threw it on the ground. He was grossed out. They turned there attention back to the agent in front of them.

She pulled something else out of another pocket and handed it to Rose. It was a bag of Jolly Ranchers. She looked at the bag then looked at Toby. They just can't believe what Toby told them was all true.