Who Are You

Toby and his family looked at each other. Then at the candy in Rose's hand. They turned to ask the agents, but they were gone. They looked all over the park for them and they did not see them They decided to go home.

The ride home was very quiet. Toby's dad was ashamed that he didn't believe his son. When the van finally got to the gate of there huge house, Kevin finally said something" Rose when we get in the house I want you to throw the candy in the trash." Rose agreed. They got out of the van and went in the house. Right after they entered the house they heard a crash coming from the kitchen. Ben called for other guards too come. 20 guards came running to the entryway of the house.

Ben signaled for 10 guards to stay with the family and 10 to come with him. Ben and the other guards took out there guns and started to slowly walk to the kitchen. Ben opened the swinging door slowly He looked around. At first he didn't see anything. Then he saw movement on top of the fridge. It was one of the agents. There drinking a....beer? Ben raised his gun and fired it.

It missed the agent, but it hit the beer bottle . The agent pulled what was left of the bottle from there lips and looked at the neck of the bottle , then were the rest of the bottle should be.

The agent dropped the rest of the bottle to the floor and sighed and said" that was your last beer."

The guards heard a noise coming from the table next to them, there was another agent sitting at the table, feet up looking at a Better Homes And Garden magazine. One of the guards that was with Ben shot at the agent ,it went threw the magazine and should have hit the agent in the chest...but he was still sitting there flipping threw the magazine, that now has a hole in it.

The agent that was on top of the fridge was now in front of them. Ben pointed his gun at the agent and aske "who are you?" Before the agent could say anything the last agent came from the pantry. He was waving his hands in front of his face and shaking his head. He was making gaging noises. The agent that is at the table ask" G what happened?"

G said" I farted and it got traped in my suit. I can taste my own ass!"

The guards that are protecting the family are becoming uneasy. They heard two shots fired, but no one is coming from the kitchen.

Ben turned his head to ask the same question again but the two agents are gone. He whipped his head to find the 3ed agent but he was gone as well. The guards looked every were in the kitchen, no sign of them. They left the kitchen. When they got to the others in the entry way, Toby's dad asked " what's going on?"

Ben answered "the agents were in the house." Toby's family was scared. Toby's dad asked" How did they get in? The doors needs codes to get in and there is 100 guards outside." Ben said " I don't know. We will have to check the cameras." They heard a nosie. Thy all turned their heads to see a agent at a cart that has a lot of liquor on it. The agent opened one of the bottles and smelled it. The agent put the bottle down and looked from side to side. Then went into one of the pockets. They heard "oops wrong pocket." and throw it. It landed on Ben's head. Ben reached up and took it off. It was another unwrapped condom. They looked back at the agent and see that he/she was filling a flask with the liquor. Toby's dad asked "who are you?" The agent turned and went to go in one of the pockets to get something. Ben pointed his gun at the agent and said " id you throw another condom at me I will shoot you!" The agent raised his/her hands in mock surrender. The agent went into the pocket and pulled something out and looked at it and said" oops wrong pocket and threw it. It again landed on Bens head. It was a pair of lacy panties. Ben took it off and threw it to the ground. The agent pulled out a card and handed it to one oof the guards. The guard handed it over to Toby's dad. Toby's dad looked at it. All that was on it was a big M.