Agent J

Were at headquarters. I just want to go to my hole of a room. These rooms are shit. Only big enough for a single bed , a toilet, sink and a stand alone shower. But it's big enough when you have nothing. Life is dull. But messing with that was fun. I know fun is a dirty word here. But when you had no childhood, no teen years, I guess you go a little crazy....well that and having to kill people every day.

I don't know about G or M but some times I wonder what it would be like to have a different life. But I cant imagine much because I have nothing to really go on. I only have the little bit that I seen. Which isn't much, when all you see is death. I want out of this place some times, but I am scared that all I will do is hurt people. Being trained to be a killer, that's all I know. To be honest I don't know if I could change or if I tried, would I just want to kill. I keep asking myself do I like what I do? I don't even have an answer.