Agent M

I am laying on my bed. I find myself smiling a lot. Ever since I jumped at Toby and that girl. I really didn't car what they were going to do at that park. Hell 6 teens already had sex by that tree before thy even showed up.

But when you have been invisible your whole life you just want a change. I found out the guys name was Toby when I hacked there security system. What? I am not a stalker..ok maybe a little bit. I wanted to see what a real family looked like. I think I picked the wrong family though. They have so much shit. I counted 20 cars. Really...really 4 people need 20 cars. A house with 14 bedrooms. That's not counting the guard or the maids quoters either.

When I saw Rose for the first time, all I wanted to do was touch her belly. I do want to know what it's like to get a period , to be pregnant , but I never will.

I was depressed at first. But that's life . It's not like I am going to fall in in love or anything. I keep thinking about baldy's pissed off face every time I threw something on his head. I wanted to laugh when he said ' I will shoot you."

I think life is going to get better soon for the 3 of us.