The Werewolf?

J's pov

Ben has been looking for us or should I say he's looking M. I don't know why. Maybe he wants to try and kill her for making him look like a fool. Out of us three agents I think G is the most normal one.

The Order has been watching us very closely. They think we don't know...but we do. The head of The Order thinks we are so stupid to blindly go with what he tells us. But he is wrong. He thinks we don't know who he is, but we do. The Order tries to make everyone believe that they are the good guys, they even try to pull that shit on the agents. But it's not true.

They want all the power for themselves. They want to have world domination. They want all the world to bow down to them. But one thing they don't understand is that the greedy always fail.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw Ben.

M's pov

I see Ben walking through the park. J told me that he's been looking for me. I know because I heard him say that he wanted to talk to me. I got out of my hiding spot and walked up to him. He seems surprised to see me or maybe it's because I came out so easily, who knows. He is hiding something behind his back. But before I could try and guess what is is, he pulled it out it I don't understand, why did he give me flowers. I took them and just looked at them, then at him. But before I could ask him why I heard G scream.

G ' s pov

I was walking around to see if I could see Marco or the little girl, when I heard a growl behind me. I turned and saw a....werewolf. I screamed and started to run for my life. I can't shoot the thing , I need a silver bullet. I see M with Ben, I can't question it right now. I screamed at them and said "HELP I AM BEING CHASED BY A WEREWOLF!"

I heard J say " you idiot! that's not a werewolf that's a chihuahua!"

J's pov

When G said that he was being chased by a werewolf I had to look....I take back what I said he is not the normal on, he is the stupid one. He was being chased by the smallest dog I have ever seen. How in the hell could he think that thing was a werewolf!? I am surrounded by idiots!

I think I am getting a headache. So I got out of my bush and went and climbed a tree. I am going to lay on one of the branches. I just can't deal with them right now.

Ben's pov

I was nervous. I went and got a bouquet of daisy's for M. I hope she likes them. I am hoping that she doesn't have a boyfriend, because I don't want to look stupid.

I know I don't know what she looks like because she always has a full head mask on. But I don't care what a women looks like. Every women id beautiful and perfect in my eyes as long as she isn't a bitch. But I don't get that with M.

I tried to look pissed when she would throw something on my head, but I love the fact that she isn't scared of me.

I got to the park, I was walking around hoping that I could spot her. I was about to give up, when I see her coming towards me. She stopped right in front of me . I pulled the flowers from behind my back and gave them to her. I wish I could see her face. I want to see if she liked them. But before I could ask if she did, I heard a someone scream.

Toby's pov

I was walking in the park. I was hoping that I could see agent M. I wanted to tell her that if she wants to dick slap me then she would have to came and do it herself.

I heard Ben say that he wanted to talk to agent M. I don't want him to talk to her or look at her , I don't want him to even think about her.

I stopped walking when I saw Ben. He's just standing in an opened field in the park. What's behind his back? Why is he here?

Then I see agent M walking towards him. What are they doing? I see Ben pulling flowers from behind his back and giving them to agent M. I am pissed. How could he do this! I see she took them and looked at them, so Ben your trying to take my girl from me. Fine game on!

May the best man win and I am going to make sure that I win.

I could see that Ben was going to say something, but there was a scream.