Let The Games Begin

Before anyone could say or do anything G picked up M and ran with her over his shoulder. Ben was standing there stunned. What the hell just happened ? Ben tried to find them for an hour. But decided to go home. Ben does not know that he is now in a game with Toby. The game is who can win M's love.

Toby is determined to win. But means neither of the men knows M, they both have to try hard to get her. So Toby thinks he has the upper hand, because he has been with a lot of women. I MEAN A LOT. So he thinks he knows what women like and don't like. Toby headed home. He wanted to confront Ben and to find out what Ben is really after.

He's not scared that Ben would win because Toby is 18 teen, very handsome, he has a six pack abs, he's 6'3. Any women would want him.

Ben is bald,6'1 and is getting a belly, yeah he's strong and all but he's 37 years old for crying out loud.

Toby sees Ben at the table drinking coffee. He marches up to Ben and says" I seen you at the park, care to explain why you gave agent M flowers?"

Ben looked at Toby . Ben said" I don't have to explain shit to a kid like you."

Toby was taken back by what Ben said. Ben has never talked to him that way.

Toby said" cut the crap Ben you knew I like agent M, so what are you trying to pull on me?"

Ben snorted and said " you like M? You have a really funny way of showing it kid."

Toby asked" what do you mean?"

Ben answered" If you really like her you wouldn't bang every women that you see."

Toby said" I don't bang every women that I see."

Ben scoffs and said" yeah just like you didn't bang Vivian, Tory, Magen, Tracy, Brenda, Kim, Venessa, do I need to go on?"

Toby said" so I had some fun with a few girls, so what?"

Ben replied" A few? You slept with 7 girls in 2 days. What I am trying to say is you don't like M, you just want to use her."

Toby yelled" That's not true! I will have to show you that I am serious about her. She makes me feel different. I don't see her like I see the other women that I have been with. She doesn't try to get anyone's attention and I like that. If I have to stop sleeping with women to prove that I am serious about her then I will!"

Ben shook his head and said" Kid you don't know anything about women."

Toby smirked and said" I know more then you think old man."

Ben got up from the table and walked to Toby, when he was face to face with Toby he leaned in and said " Let the best man win."

Ben stuck out his hand for Toby to shake, Toby took Ben's hand and shook it and said" Deal."

The agent were sitting in their van down by the river. They just watched what happened between Ben and Toby.

M" What just happened? What are they talking about? What deal and why in the hell do these cookies taste so bad?"

M looked at the bag, she sighed, there diet cookies. J and G looked at her. J said " they said they like you, so they like you." M looked at J and said " I heard that but I don't understand."

G " they want to be your friend stupid."

M " oh now I understand, but why can't I be friends with both?"

J and G shrugged. They don't understand that Ben and Toby has feelings for M. Call them stupid all you want , but this has never happened to any of them before. So they think Ben and Toby just wants to be friends.

The agents don't know what love is or any other emotions, they have never felt love. So they get confused when they hear people talk about there emotions. So when they laughed and smiled for the first time they didn't understand. They don't know if they like it or not. Yes they know what being scared is like , but they are manly scared of hurting the innocent.

The agents look back at the screen to see a very naked Toby. M put her hand in front of her eyes and screamed " My poor virgin eyes!"

G said" don't look M he's doing something we all shouldn't see." All three agents put there hands over there eyes...but they could hear Toby moaning. G was rocking himself and said" is it over yet?" J answered in a fake crying voice" I don't know man."

Then they heard Toby say " Oh M!" M took her hands off her eyes in time to see Toby shoot his load.

M " what the Duck just happened!" None of them had the answer.