Agent G

My real name is Jory Gibson. They call me agent G or G for short. I am 18 years old , 6'5, 187 lbs. I have curly dishwater blond hair, I keep it short, milky way brown eyes. I have a very muscular body. I am the third best agent. I don't really car any more. I have been trying to figure out how to get out of this place. Not much matters to me me any more.

When J and myself turn 19 teen The Order wants us to start breeding. I am not going to do that. I want to destroy this place. I know I don't know how to be human. I was trained to be a robot. But I am willing to try.

My earliest memory id when my "mother" shot herself in front of me. I was 7 years old. But that is part of the training. We had to learn how to fight at the age of 3, learn hoe to shoot a gun at age 4, Train everyday until your good enough to start missions. I was 9 when I made my first kill. I didn't feel anything. It just seemed normal. I did what The Order wanted me to.

I started to question everything when I was 15 teen, I stopped reporting to the higher ups when I was 16 teen, I stopped caring about The Order when I was 17 teen, I started to try new things for the first time when I was 18 teen. I tried Coke for the first time it was ok. I tried coffee , I really liked it. But M said I can't have it anymore. I get too hyped up. All we where giving in The Order is water and protein shakes, that's it. So when we had candy for the first time we got sick, maybe it's because we each ate 3 family size ourselves.

I know The Order is watching our movements. But I don't care. They know they can't beat us. But now we have to protect Toby and his family. The Order will go after him and his family. They wouldn't hesitate to kill Rose, even though she is pregnant. Life means nothing to them, well their life means something, but no one else's.

There is a war coming and I am ready to die to protect others. I don't care if I am standing/fighting alone, I will do what I have to, to take down The Order. I will have to take down the master mind behind The Order.