
Toby's pov

I went to the park to find agent M. I wanted to woo her. I am just walking around to try and have he come out so I can ask her out. I want to make her happy, no matter what I have to do.

I stopped when I see Ben. What is he doing now? I walked up to him. " Ben what the hell man?" I said, Ben turned with his shiny bald head and said "What are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes and said " I am trying to find agent M." Ben was going to say something but we heard music. We walked to find it. It's coming from a building, the song is Barbie Girl by Aqua. Ben and I looked at each other and walked closer, we see someone hanging from a window...it's agent M. We see a man in the window. Ben and I started to run to her.

We heard her yell " IT ENDS NOW!" Then the building explodes. Ben and I stopped running. I screamed for her. I tried to run to her but Ben stopped me. I was crying. I never got the chance to tell her that I loved her. Ben was pulling me away.

Ben's pov

I have been walking around trying to see if I could get M to come out. But after two hours of walking around I still haven't seen her. I wanted to ask her out on a dare. I know Toby has been trying to find her as well. I had a dream that M and I got married.

Toby walked up to me, great, now I have to deal with this kid. We talked, but then we heard music, we followed it. When I see M hanging my heart sank. My feet started to move with out me thinking, then the building exploded. Toby yelled and tried to run, I stopped him, I was pulling him away.

I can't believe she's dead. I wanted to tell her so much, but now I can't. I don't know when I started to cry, but I was. I dragged Toby and got him in the car and went home.

Toby and I got home. We just sat there. I couldn't think, couldn't move. I think Toby is feeling the same, so we just sat there not saying a word.


Agent G's pov

We found the little girl. She was tied to a bed. We know what happened. J and I untied her and took her to the hospital, we went back to the building and waited for Marco to come back then we will eliminate him.

He finally arrived. We put a song on, but what the hell song is this? It was supposed to be Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins, not this. But there's no time to think about that. He knows that we are here. So we are going to play with him for a little bit. Were going to make him suffer, just like he made that little girl suffer and all the other kids.

Agents J's pov

I am walking around the building, stalking Marco. This song is torcher. I am following him, he doesn't know that I am behind him. I got right behind and hit him hard he fell to the ground. I dragged him to a room by his hair.

I just let go of him. G kicked him in the stomach and said " This is for all the kids that you hurt!" He kicked him again and screamed " The Order dies now!"

Agent M's pov

I told J and G to leave the room, they did. I walked up to Marco and said " hello father." He looked at me. Marco " Don't call me that you stupid bitch!" I punched him in the face. M "Did you really think that I didn't know that you are the head of The Order ?"

Marco " Yes! Your a women, all women are stupid bit-." I kicked him in the face before he could finish taking. I screamed " GET UP!" He didn't move. I screamed again " GET UP AND FIGHT ME!" He slowly got up. He punched me. We were fighting for 20 min. He shoved me I went through a window, I grabbed the windowsill. I was hanging there. I asked him how could he do that to Cindy, she is his daughter , my half sister. He just laughed at me. I told J and G to blow the building up. I looked at Marco and screamed " THIS ENDS NOW!" I let go of the window and the building blew up.