The Order

The speakers blared " confirmed Marco is dead, repeat Marco is dead, three agents are missing."

Frank " Good now I can take over, I will make this place better, stronger ." I went into my office so that I can make the announcement that I am taking over. I turned on the light and heard. " Hello father." I turned to see my son Jory. " what do you want?" I spat at him.

Jory " your blood." Jory shot him. He killed his father.

Misty and Jacob were freeing the children. Jory picked up the microphone and said " everyone has 30 min to flee before this pace gets sent to hell."

The agents got the children and pregnant women out. Then they blew it up. The agents sat in a tree and watched the place burn. They would stop anyone that would try to put out the fire. They did it, they took down The Order. Now the agents don't know what to do next. So they just sat there thinking.

One thing that The Order didn't see was that the agents drained there banks of all their money before they blew it up. They have been doing that for months now. So they don't have to worry about money nor how to get jobs. They are truly free. Free to find themselves and to learn how to be human, something they never got to do. Today is the day that they truly start to live. But they don't know were to start.

They got out of the tree and went to their van, without a clue of what to do or where to go. But they know one thing for sure, they will stay together. They will become the family that they never had.

First things first they need food. So they went to McDonalds and got hundred dollars worth of food. What? Saving the world makes you hungry.