After the explosion

It's been four hours and Toby and I are still sitting in the car. I finally told Toby that we should go in. He only nodded, but neither one of us made a move to leave. After another hour we finally got out of the car. When we got in got in they house Toby's dad and mom came to us. They looked concerned, they asked if we were alright, Toby just shook his head no.

We heard the T.V it was on the news. We went into the living room and sat down. They were talking about the explosions and how they only found one body that belonged to a Marco Green. Toby turned the T.V off. How could they only find one body, what about M. Maybe the other agents didn't die and took her body.

There was a noise in the kitchen. Toby and I looked at each other and got up and ran to the kitchen. Toby was first to get to the door, he swung it opened and there was... the agents, well two of them. One was at the table and one was leaning against the wall.

But we didn't see M, my heart sunk even farther then before. They must be here to tell us what happened. Before anyone could say anything we heard crunching coming from the right of us.

We looked and there she was, M, she was eating chips. Toby ran to her and hugged her. She was frozen, almost like she has never been touched before. But who cares about that, she's here and alive. I just can't believe it. Toby finally let her go. She was about to say something but before she could I ran and pushed Toby out of my way and hugged her. She froze again, I am sorry but I can't care about that, she's here.

I was about to tell her about my feelings when she asked " what happened to you guys you look like some one punched your cow or something?" Toby and I looked at each other.

I have never heard any one say that before, it's always about a puppy not a cow. Does that she likes cows over puppy's? Toby started to laugh and said " no, but we thought you were died."

The other agents came to us and said at the same time " so we don't matter to you?" Toby looked lost for a moment. Toby " no, it's not that but we saw M get blown up." M " you were there?" Toby and I shook our heads yes. One of the other agents, I think J said " what the hell do you think our suits are made out of fur?"

We just looked at him, we didn't have an answer for that. Ben " why are you here?"

M" our mission is done." Toby " what are you guys going to do now?" I think G said " Don't know, after today we are no longer agents."

Toby's dad came in and asked " so what are you guys going to do now for work, if you are no longer agents?" M " We don't know yet, all we know is how to bw agents nothing more."

Toby's dad shocked me when he said " I want to hire you all to be guards." The three agents said yes. They would work for Toby's dad. I am so happy, I get to see M every day.

Toby's mom asked " what are your real names?" My name is Jacob," One said. " mine is Jory." the other said. " I am Misty. M said. Wow her name is Misty. I can't believe we got their names finally.