Who Will Win

Toby's pov

The agents are working for my dad, we got their names. I wanted to talk to Misty, but dad took them to his office. Ben had to leave to get stuff for them and the chief, means we have to feed them. I can't wait to see what Misty likes and doesn't like. I get to show her that I love her. When she comes out I am going to take her to my room and ask if I could see her face. I am in love with someone and I don't even know what she looks like.

If she's a dog I will love her anyways. I want her, I have never wanted anyone more then I want her. I want to tell her first before Ben gets to talk to her. Mom got their measurements, she told them that when their in the house they have to wear real clothes and not their suits. They argued with my mom, but in the end my mom won.

But I want to see Misty first before anyone else. They came out of dads office, but before I could even get close to Misty dad said " let me show you to your rooms." YES! They are going to be sleeping upstairs with us and not in Ben's wing of the house. I know I have a stupid smile on my face, but I don't care. I get can sneak into Misty's room tonight and tell her how I feel. I am so happy right now. Maybe I could find her naked. I stopped in my tracks, I really should not think about that with my parents are around.

So I see where their rooms will be and I went to my room to take care of myself. After I was done I went and knocked on Misty's door, no answer, so I opened the door. She was not there. Were did she go?

Rose's pov

I just got out of the shower and got dressed I am seven months pregnant. I am having a boy, I am naming him Ace.

When I went out in my room I see Misty looking at my wedding photos, I slowly walked to her. She turned and looked at me then my belly. She walked to me, I was scared I don't know what she's going to do. She took off one of her gloved and put her hand on my belly. She bent down and is now kneeling in front of me. She put her head on my belly.

I just stood there, I don't understand why she's doing that, but when she uttered those words it broke me, she said " I can't have kids." I understand now. That's why she keeps looking at me, she wants to have a baby.

I asked why she can't. I couldn't stop crying when she told me why. I just let her stay there rubbing my belly and let her feel Ace kick.

I think I heard her say I love you. But I could be wrong. I was going to ask, but she got up and left.

Ben's pov

I didn't want to leave, but I had to, it's my job after all. I didn't want to leave Toby alone with Misty. I want to have first chance to tell her how I feel. I am getting something special for Misty. I am getting her the biggest teddy I can find. I hope she likes it. I have to get pizza as well. I don't know what kind Misty and the others like, so I was to get all the kinds that the pizza place has.

When I got home, I found out that misty will have a room upstairs next to Toby's room. That pissed me off. I wanted her close to me, not him. I found out what room was hers and I knocked, no answer. So I opened the door and poked my head in, she wasn't there, so I wrote a little note and put the note on the teddy and put the teddy right in front of the bed .

I went down the stairs so I could eat. I saw Kevin with the last of the pizzas and told the agents to come and eat with them, what I saw and heard pissed me off, Misty walked up to Kevin and said " I love you." then she kissed him and took the pizza. I thought Rose would get mad, but she was laughing at Kevin's shocked face. I looked at Toby, Toby looked like he was going to punch Kevin in the face.

Toby's pov

After we ate I went to my room so I could take a shower. I am still pissed that Kevin got a kiss from Misty, it should have been me. So I asked the cook to make cookies for me to give to Misty.

After my shower I went down and got the cookies and went to Misty's room. I knocked and she answered. I asked if I could come in, she let me.

I sat on the bed and I put the cookies down on the bed. I told her that the cookies were for her. She jumped on me, I guess it was a hug, but she kissed me...damn mask got in the way. Misty picked one up and took a bite, she moaned. She really needs to stop now my pants are getting tight. I was about to say something when the door bust open, there was Jacob, Jory and a pissed off Rose. They came in and sat down and started to eat the cookies that I had made for Misty. I was going to say something, but I am not going to die by my pregnant sister in law.

So I just sat there waiting for them to leave. I looked around her room while they ate the cookies, I see a big teddy. I got up and walked to it. I saw a note it's from Ben. Just great, I might have to up my game.